

Faith and Fellowship: The Abundance of Rain is a gift from Heaven

Faith and Fellowship: The Abundance of Rain is a gift from Heaven

Rain can make us stop and be still, There is a calming in the sound and a rejuvenation in the nourishment and cleaning in the water. The Lord has power that is abundantly shown through the nature of rain. The abundance of rain’s peaceful presence is a gift from Heaven. Be still and know that I am God, Psalm 46:10

Rain gives us hope, with the rain comes beauty. As we look up after the rain has gone away, there will be blue sky’s, that we marvel at. Isaiah 45:8 teaches us,” Drip down, O heaven’s from above, and let the clouds pour down righteousness; Let the earth open up and Salvation bear fruit, And righteousness spring up with it, I the Lord, have created it” As believers must understand the vision of a dry, thirsty land symbolizes those who sincerely desire the blessings of God’s spirit in their lives.

Just as the rain comes and refreshes, cleanses and make the ground fruitful, the blessings of his Holy Spirit brings the same qualities into our lives. Rain is a spiritual blessing. God wants to rain down his blessings on us, God desire is for us to be refreshed and fruitful; as lush as meadow grass growing by flowing streams.
We as the people of God are still depending on the abundance of rain today, for life giving source of water and rain. When we trust God for the abundance of rain, we learn to walk close with God and we learn to trust God more and more.

Our father wants to send a downpour of blessings to his people. As believers we must plant ourselves where the spiritual blessings flow freely. The Word of God, compares to rain water because they both give us life, without water we cannot survive. Some say that it did not rain until the time of the flood, the earth was watered by a mist until the flood waters came down, Genesis 1:6-7. God did not open the floodgates of rain, until he destroyed the world in the days of Noah. The rain came to the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.
After the rain prevailed on the earth for days, afterwards the water gradually receded from the earth. We Thank you God, for the abundance of rain.

In the falling rain we learn to grow, we can dance in the rain, we know the rain is God’s design and his gracious provision for the world. We should always appreciate the abundance of rain and let us always Thank God for the rain.

As we meditate on the word of God this week, Let us remember, Praise the Lord for his mercies endures forever! God is so kind and generous that he allows the abundance of rain to fall as a blessing to us.

May God so richly bless!

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