Jeans and Hoodies Year-Round: How to Give and Get Clothes at the First Reformed Clothing Ministry
By Jerry Lovell
The Clothing Ministry includes items for all ages and sizes. {Contributed Photo}
Even with warmer weather headed our way, the most often requested items at the First Reformed UCC Clothing Ministry are jeans and hoodies. That’s the case year-round -- even in warmer months, people who work and sometime live outside need jeans, t-shirts and hoodies.
Listening to the types of clothes that our neighbors in need actually want is an important part of the Clothes Ministry. People wanting clothes can complete a simple order form and volunteers will fill those orders from thousands of pieces of clothing donated by community members and sorted by volunteers. Order forms can be obtained from the First Reformed church office, from Open Hands Ministry, or Meals on Wheels. People can also “shop” directly themselves by appointment.
The order form system was originally created in response to the pandemic, when social distancing was required. While everyone was hunkered down at home and we were not gathering at the church, the requests for clothing were still coming in. So were the donations, as people stuck at home cleaned their own closets. In fact, we needed more space and were given use of more rooms at the church. We received a donation of wood from G. W. Smith Lumber Company to build more clothes racks. We had lots of clothes. . . but how could we get them out to people in the community without actually gathering together?
I decided to make an order form*. (Sample at the end.) Folks in the community could fill out a form with their sizes and the items needed. The office printed these and we started handing them out at the free Saturday lunches here at First Reformed and at the Open Hands breakfasts on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at St. Stephen’s church across the street. Once the orders were received, the requests were honored as closely as possible, and were generally ready for pick-up during one of the next meals.
Marge Doty and Camille Morgan unpack donations for the Clothing Ministry. {Contributed Photo}
This process worked well, and we were back in operation! We also began offering this opportunity to those receiving Meals on Wheels. MOW volunteers provided an order form to clients and then returned it to the church. Orders were filled and volunteers delivered these items, usually within the same week.
The Clothing Ministry is slowly beginning to open back up to a limited number of clients at a time, for a specified amount of time, and with masks to shop for themselves.
If you’ve ever doubted the power of a piece of donated clothing, consider these stories from people who have used the First Reformed Clothing Ministry:
One cold Saturday, a fellow came up shivering to get lunch without a coat. We were able to give him one.
A young lady was expecting a baby with nothing for the baby and little for herself. We were able to provide some clothes, blankets, socks, and onesies for the baby AND she was able to find some clothes for herself. We recently received a big donation of infant clothes if you know a mother in need!
A man came by with only the clothes he was wearing. We were able to give him pants, shirts, and shoes.
Another young man had just gotten a job at a fast-food restaurant and needed shirts of a certain color and dress pants so he could go to work. We were able give him what he asked for when he really needed the help.
Another man who is an amputee and, in a wheelchair, needed gloves to help him navigate and brake his chair, which was having mechanical issues at the time. Through a special donation, we were able to help him.
These are just a few of the stories that happen every day in our ministry. We’re able to provide these gifts to others because of the generous gifts of donations and money you in our congregation at First Reformed and the community contribute to the Clothing Ministry.
To donate to the Clothing Ministry or to get an order form for clothes, please contact the church office at 336-248-2617 or contact Patti and Jerry Lovell at
Jerry Lovell and John Gray accept donations for First Reformed’s Clothing Ministry. {Contributed Photo}
First Reformed UCC Ministry Contacts 2022
PFLAG Belinda Yates
NAMI Joe and Cathy Browder
2CFAR Rev. Elizabeth Horton
Saturday Lunch John Maze
Clothing Ministry Jerry Lovell
Community Meals Edgar Miller
Charles England Elementary School Partnership
Jay and Cathy Whitley
Meals on Wheels Alisa Johnson
Children/Youth Rev. Evan Sieges
Music Ellen Peterson, Choir Director
Christopher Kiger, Organist/Pianist
Worship/Sunday School/Book Studies Church Office 336-248-2617
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