

Black History Month: Celebrating five decades of love - The Holt's

Black History Month: Celebrating five decades of love - The Holt's

During the week we celebrate love, we’re honored to share snippets of local couples that inspire many throughout the community. We’re honored to feature them and we hope you enjoy learning what’s sustained their relationship for decades. This short Q& A was commissioned by Davidson Local and executed by the couple’s children

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Names and ages: Roy L., 80, and Patricia Holt, 78.

  1. How long have you been married? Date of marriage? 58 years; October 19, 1963

  2. Family - 5 Children, 12 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren

  3. How did you two meet? What were your first impressions?

    Patricia - At Dunbar High School. He would come to Mrs. Anderson class to bring his sister, Elnora, lunch money. He was handsome and athletic but always disturbing our class.

    Roy - Mrs. Anderson class but both us played on Dunbar’s basketball team and we traveled on the same bus. She was cute, slightly bow-legged and had a big, beautiful smile.

  4. What are some of your favorite things about each other?

    Patricia - He is a good father and provider, loves children and his family and is supportive.

    Roy - She is patient, a great mother, spoils the kids and is family oriented.

  5. What challenges have you experienced in your relationship? How have you handled them?

    Roy - Moving out of a two bedroom house with 4 kids and a late model car. We brought a house and to supplement our income, I worked over time and Pat was a seamstress. She made shirts and dresses. etc.

  6. What have you learned from these challenges?

    We learned how to depend on each other no matter what.

  7. What has been the best thing about being married to your partner?

    Roy - After 62 of being with someone and 58 years of marriage, its about LOVE and watching our children, grandchildren and great children grow, being happy and spend time with each other.

  8. What would you say have been the keys to sustaining your decades long marriage?

    Roy and Patricia - God , patience, love and communication

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