

After the resurrection

The resurrection is the foundation of our faith.

If Christ would not have risen from the grave, our world would not have any hope.

Jesus came to earth with a message of Hope. He has love and compassion for everyone.

There is power in the resurrection, there is power after the resurrection. What a joy it is knowing that our Savior rose just like he said he would.

Mary went to the tomb where Jesus was buried, she found that the stone was rolled away. Jesus was not there; the Angel assures! He is risen, Mark 28:16.

We find Peter and John rushed to the tomb to verify, they found Jesus burial linens, the body is indeed gone!

Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene “Why are you weeping? Go to my brothers and tell them I am ascending to my father”.

Jesus also visited the disciples, they are frightened, Jesus affirms, “Why do you doubt? Look at my hands and my feet.” Luke 24.

All of these events occurred after the resurrection, On the next day of the resurrection, Jesus made at least five appearances.

The eyewitnesses of counts in the Gospels provide what Christians believe to be undeniable evidence that the resurrection of Jesus Christ did happen.

For we know, and we understand that's not how the story ends. For 40 days, Jesus appears to many others, Matthew 28:19-20, “ Jesus tells his disciples,” Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.

After Jesus had spoken to the disciples, he was taken up to Heaven and sat on the right hand side of God; Mark 16:19.

Again we find the Angels appearing to the disciples.

To assure them that Jesus will once again return.

Jesus is now in heaven, interceding for mankind and preparing a place for the faithful. Jesus will return to judge the world.

There is the power of the resurrection. This power should make us Love one another as Christ has Loved us.Through the power of the Holy Spirit we can do all things through Christ, that strengthen us. When you think of the resurrection, do you really know the one who died and Rose for you?

After the resurrection, we understand Jesus is not dead, and Jesus is a living, reigning King, he was sent to the cross on the road map just for us, and for that, we give him glory, and we shall Thank him all the days of our lives.After the resurrection, we understand that Jesus, blood of the new covenant save people from their sins we thank the Lord for bringing us to where we are after the road map traveled to the cross to the grave from the grave the sky.

As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember that may God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep by the blood of return covenant he equipped us with everything good that we may always do his will. And we may always remember after the resurrection, our Savior Jesus Christ still lives, and because he lives, we can face tomorrow, and because he lives all fear is gone because we know that life is worth living, just because our Savior Jesus Christ lives.

May God So Richly Bless

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