

Callicutt named LCS Principal of the Year

Callicutt named LCS Principal of the Year

Contributed by Marcella Elliott, Lexington City Schools Public Relation and Communications Specialist

CEES exceeded its 2022 growth expectations; further showcasing that Callicutt’s 22 years of service here at LCS and commitment to producing students destined to be leaders, collaborators, problem solvers, critical and innovative thinkers, and global citizens; is truly unwavering.

Reared in Lexington, NC, from her journey to receiving her K-12 education, to student teaching, to principal ... all have been at LCS! 

Her hobbies include spending quality time with her husband Frank Callicutt, and children Abbie: Junior at LSHS;  Annabell: Junior at Appalachian State University/Disney College Program; and Mary Lloyd: Senior at University of NC at Chapel Hill. She also enjoys experiencing the world through travel and fellowshiping with friends. 

Leadership, Resilience, and Teamwork:  

What challenges have you faced while serving as a Principal, and how did you overcome them? 

COVID... During my first three years as principal, the major challenge has been teaching through the challenges of COVID. From closing down school, virtual teaching, cohorts of students returning, contact tracing, learning loss, etc. to trying to have a more "normal" year this year!  Our staff is truly a family! We have supported each other through the challenging times! We feel in order to make a difference with children we first have to take care of each other. Creating and maintaining a fun, positive, respectful, and trusting culture is what keeps us going! 

Moving Upward and Onward: 

What are your goals for this school year?

Our motto is Learn.Grow.Lead. We feel that every single day, each student and each staff member should be learning, growing, and leading!

Our goals are for our students to come to school happy and excited about learning! We want to empower them to take charge of their own learning. As a school we want to exceed growth and to raise our proficiency. If we are growing every student, our proficiency will grow!   

School Vision:  Charles England Elementary School will support a nurturing learning environment that empowers all students to become active, innovative, and globally-aware leaders in a digital world without walls. 

School Mission:  The mission of the Charles England Elementary School Family is to work diligently toward the common goal of success for all students. This will include effective, innovative, rigorous instruction that meets the cognitive, language, physical, social, ethical and psychological well being of all students. 

Strategic Academic Contribution: 

What do you view as your most important contribution to the daily operations of your school? 

We are a Leader in Me school which incorporates the 7 healthy habits of highly effective people into our daily lives. We believe that all children can be leaders. We believe that relationships matter. We believe in our Lexington community and our amazing families to support our school family! EVERYONE MATTERS!  "Leader in Me is an evidence-based, comprehensive model that builds leadership and life skills in students, creates a high-trust school culture, and lays the foundation for sustained academic achievement."(

Professional Development and Community Support: 

What  professional development opportunities do you believe have largely assisted in your success as a Principal ? 

Our Friday meetings with principals and Mrs. Garrett, working with our central office staff and CEES staff have helped me more than anything!  However, our Leader in Me training and coaching sessions have been the best!

Callicutt’s Message to the Community 

Years ago, Mrs. Emy Garrett, LCS Assistant Superintendent; shared the "Starfish Story" with us. Ever since, I have carried a starfish with me, reminding me that our words and our actions make a difference. (If you aren't familiar, google the starfish story, you will thank me later!) Maya Angelou said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Callicutt’s Call for Community Support: 

We love our Yellow Jacket community! We are better and stronger together! If you want to support our students and staff, call us at Charles England (336-242-1552) or email me at to find out how you can help! One small way you can help... send us individually wrapped snacks and small prizes to CEES!

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