Caught Doing Good: Silver Valley Civitans distribute gifts to local children
{Photos by Gary Arnold}
Members of the Student Council of Silver Valley Elementary School stand beside a Christmas tree sculpture constructed with some of the food items donated to Civitan Project Santa.
The 58th edition of the Silver Valley Civitan Project Santa has completed its mission by bringing joy and cheer to the community.
Civitan President Amy Hughes states, “The members of our club would agree that Project Santa is just as much a blessing to us as the families we serve.”
Silver Valley Civitan club President Amy Hughes is shown shopping for Project Santa.
Though organized each year by the Civitan Club it is truly a community project. The school, fire department, businesses, churches and individuals contribute generously of time and resources to make it happen.
Fruit bags were delivered to about 110 homes of seniors on December 23 and 24. Saint Nicholas portrayed by Davis Tucker delivered presents to 18 homes of people with special needs on the 24th .
The effort began in late October with families that might be in need of assistance with Christmas were asked to submit applications. Lists were compiled and telephone contacts were made. Then came the gathering and sorting of new donated toys.
The estimated value of gifts distributed by SV Civitan is estimated at $17,000.
More than 40 volunteers, including 15 Civitan members, provided about 450 hours of services. Monetary contributions came from twenty sources. A Christmas angel again made a generous donation of more than 250 new toys. Local hosiery mills donated socks.
Forty-five households, 24 with children and 21 with seniors, received food donations. Approximately 3,500 pounds of food was distributed.
For a 14th consecutive year, customers of the Silver Valley Food Lion store provided
half of the food that was distributed. Civitan Project Santa received nearly 300
‘Holidays Without Hunger’ food packages. For 31 years the Silver Valley Elementary School has gathered food for Project Santa. The students, faculty and staff outdid themselves this year contributing 1,527
non-perishable items.
The Silver Valley Civitan Club spent almost $7,000. Donated items had an estimated value exceeding $10,000. Civitan purchases were centered on clothing and shoes with a smaller amount on toys.
Civitan Project Santa needs about a thousand dollars to reach its fund raising goal. Monetary cash contributions may still be made to the Silver Valley Civitan Club, Inc., c/o Treasurer Gary Arnold, 7213 Old Hwy 64, Trinity, N.C 27370.
Hitchcrafters provided their building for Santa Headquarters for a 19 th consecutive year. The overall coordinator for Civitan Project Santa Claus was Brigade Commander and Chief Elf Joyce Parrish. Serving as Team captains were Gary Arnold-list, Joyce
Parrish-follow-up contacts, Amy Hughes-clothing & toys, John Hughes-food and fruit and Peggy Harrison-people with special needs and cards.
The founders of Civitan Project Santa were the late Troy Jarrell and the late Sam Arnold, both past Civitan Club presidents. They were inspired to bring the project to the club after Christmas Eve 1966.
The Silver Valley Civitan Club took responsibility for delivery in its area in 1967.
They worked with the Denton group for about a dozen years before becoming a separate effort and financing its own project.
The club estimates that Civitan Project Santa in 58 years has served approximately 5,000 children, 2,200 families and delivered food to more than 1,100 households.
Project Santa is the largest continuous service project of the Silver Valley Civitan Club.