

Chloe's Mindful Minute: Thanksgiving

Chloe's Mindful Minute: Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day where families gather to eat, share thanks, and prepare for the start of the holiday season. But, what if I told you thankfulness is a state of mind, not a single day event. Thankfulness starts when you acknowledge what surrounds you and how it provides, teaches, or impacts you. Below are four ways to include thankfulness in your everyday life.

  1. Thank your body - We continually find ways to put ourselves down but positive self-talk works similarly to affirmations by speaking it into existence. Spend a few moments everyday thanking your body for what it does. It can be things such as “I am thankful I woke up today”, “I am thankful for my vision to see the leaves”, or “I am thankful my body lets me know when I have reached my limits”.

  2. Thank your friends - We may think we show appreciation to our friends but pick a friend each day or week and send a specific thank you message. You may not know the impact this has on their life.

  3. Show thankfulness to your experiences - What we have done and where we have been shape our future. Reflect on all the moments of your life and be thankful for the lessons learned and experiences gained.

  4. Set a mantra - Focusing on our mindset, set a simple mantra you can repeat during the day. Saying “I am thankful”, will help remind you to remain thankful daily not just on a Thursday in November.

I hope you have a wonderful day of good food, great fellowship, and know that I am thankful to be a small part of your Monday!

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