

City of Lexington accepting applications for Lexington Academy

City of Lexington accepting applications for Lexington Academy

The City of Lexington is accepting applications till August 21, 2024, for the second class of Lexington Academy. 

Lexington Academy is an educational program where participants will enjoy a hands-on, inside view of city operations and gain a better understanding of how and why the city provides its services. Each week, academy participants will meet with different departments where they will get to experience engaging demonstrations, ask questions, and address concerns. 

The academy will take place on Thursdays from September 5th through November 14th, excluding October 31st, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at various City facilities and locations. Dinner will be provided.

Classes are free and open to anyone 16 years old or older. Class size is limited, and priority will be given to City residents. 

Learn more about Lexington Academy and apply by visiting:  

Click here for more information

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