

City of Lexington fire department responds to fire on Cotton Grove Road

City of Lexington fire department responds to fire on Cotton Grove Road

LEXINGTON, NC – The City of Lexington Fire Department responded to a fire last night in a  vacant house located at 500 Cotton Grove Rd. The cause of the fire is currently under  investigation by the Lexington Fire Marshal and Lexington Police Department. 

At 10:57 pm, Engine 1 was the first crew to arrive at the home and immediately saw heavy  smoke and fire coming from the structure. Along with other Lexington fire crews, they quickly  attacked the fire and began searching for possible occupants. As the fire crews were working,  neighbors informed them that the home was a "vacant house" with no utilities connected, and no  one should be in the house. Neighbors then shared that even though the home was vacant, a  couple of people had recently been staying there without authorization from the owner. 

Lexington Fire Department crews gained control of the fire, and their search revealed no victims.  Once fire personnel ensured the fire was under control, they called the Lexington Fire Marshal to  investigate the fire's cause.  

Thankfully, the neighbors saw and reported the fire when they did, or it would likely have been  much worse. 

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