

City of Thomasville Council May 16th Meeting Summary

City of Thomasville Council May 16th Meeting Summary


Monday, May 16, 2022 – 6:00 P.M.  

7003 Ball Park Road, Thomasville, NC 27360  

Mayor Pro Tempore Lisa Shell 

Elected officials in attendance: Mayor Pro Tempore Lisa Shell and Council Members Ron  Bratton, Doug Hunt, Wendy Sellars, Jeannette Shepherd, Hunter Thrift and Payton Williams.  Mayor Raleigh York, Jr. was absent. 

1. Call to Order - Mayor Pro Tempore Lisa Shell called the meeting of the Thomasville City  Council to order. 

2. Additions and Deletions to the Agenda – 

City Manager Michael Brandt asked that Council add the following to the agenda: 

3.C. Proclamation - Gun Violence Awareness Day 

7.A. Resolution to Dissolve the Multicultural Committee 

Council Member Shepherd asked that the following items be removed from the agenda and  get sent back to Council Committees in June for further discussion: 

7.D. Consideration of Grant Project Ordinance: ARPA Funds  

7.F. Consideration of Amendment to Personnel Policy to Add 3 New Positions: Police  Trainee, Police Records Supervisor and Downtown Economic Development Director 

3. Recognitions and Presentations 

A. Recognition of Meritorious Service of Master Police Officers Jonathan Caldwell and  Michael Vogler and Corporal Joseph Sutton - presented by Council Member Bratton 

B. Proclamation – National Public Works Week - presented by Mayor Pro Tem Shell C. Proclamation - Gun Violence Awareness Day - presented by Council Member Sellars 

4. Public Forum – Kelly Johnson spoke regarding the future use of the former PD building; and  Greg Myers, Amy Coleman, JacQuez Johnson and Fay Ashworth spoke on behalf of the  Multicultural Committee. No action was taken. 

5. Public HearingRequest for Rezoning (Z-22-02) 

Applicant: Board of Planning & Adjustment 

Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance 

Appendix A – Zoning, Article V, Sec. 3A, Note 12, and  

Add Note 14. (Landscape buffer yard and screening requirements) 

Mayor Pro Tem Shell opened the Public Hearing. No one came forward to speak for or against  this issue. Mayor Pro Tem Shell closed the Public Hearing. Council Member Hunt moved to  approve the rezoning as presented. Council Member Shepherd seconded. Motion unanimously  approved 7 – 0. 

6. Consent Agenda 

A. Approval of Minutes of the Briefing Meeting on 04/11/22 

B. Approval of Minutes of the Council Meeting on 04/18/22 

C. Consideration of Grant Project Ordinance: One NC Fund Grant – BrassCraft Mfg. D. Consideration of Grant Project Ordinance: NC Dept. of Commerce Grant – Nucor Steel

Thomasville City Council Meeting Summary Page 2 May 16, 2022 

E. Consideration of Grant Project Ordinance: Golden LEAF Foundation – Nucor Steel F. Consideration of Amendment to Rules and Procedures Manual Giving the Mayor Authority  to Amend the Mayor Pro Tempore of the Month  

Council Member Thrift moved to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. Council Member  Williams seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

7. Regular Agenda 

A. Resolution to Dissolve the Multicultural Committee 

Council Member Thrift moved to approve this Resolution. Council Member Sellars  seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

B. Budget Message was presented by the City Manager. 

Council Member Williams called for a public hearing regarding the proposed Budget on  June 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM at 7003 Ball Park Road, Thomasville, NC. Council Member Hunt  seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

C. Consideration of Ordinance to Enact Chapter 70, Article VI: Social District  

Council Member Hunt moved to approve this Ordinance. Council Member Williams  seconded. Motion approved 6 – 1 with Council Member Shepherd voting against it. 

D. Consideration of Ordinance to Enact Chapter 70, Article VII: Sidewalk Dining 

Council Member Hunt moved to approve this Ordinance. Council Member Thrift seconded.  Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

E. Consideration of Budget Amendment for the General Fund; Water/Sewer Utility Fund;  School Fund; and Golf Fund 

Council Member Thrift moved to approve this Budget Amendment. Council Member  Williams seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

F. Consideration of Express Cab Taxi Franchise 

Council Member Hunt moved to approve this Franchise. Council Member Sellars  seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. This matter must be voted on again next  month, pursuant to State Statutes. 

8. Committee Reports and Appointments, Mayor’s Report and Appointments, City Manager’s  Report, City Attorney’s Report 

On behalf of the Personnel/Finance Committee, Council Member Thrift moved to appoint Scott  Styers to the Recreation Committee to fill Stacy Ferrell’s seat. Council Member Hunt  seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. 

9. Closed Session – Attorney/Client. Council Member Thrift moved to go into closed session for  an attorney client matter. Council Member Hunt seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0. No action was taken in closed session. 

10. Additional Items – Assistant City Manager Eddie Bowling advised everyone to text  “TVILLEVENTS” to 888777 if they would like to be texted local event information. 

11. Adjournment – Council Member Sellars moved to adjourn. Council Member Shepherd seconded. Motion unanimously approved 7 – 0.

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