

Commissioners call mandated masks and vaccinations unconstitutional

Commissioners call mandated masks and vaccinations unconstitutional

The Davidson County Commissioners meeting on November 9th included special recognitions:

Recognition - Council of Chambers Representative 

Recognition of Veterans 

Recognition - CIO Joel Hartley as 2021 NCLGISA IT Professional of the Year 

County Manager Casey Smith as Credentialed Manager through the  ICMA 

Chairwoman Karen Watford noted a larger crowd than usual.

A resolution, presented by Commissioner Chris Elliott, was the topic of heated discussion.


FREEDOM AGAINST VACCINE MANDATES [Portions of this resolutions have changed]

WHEREAS, The elected officeholders in Davidson County, North Carolina, swore an oath to uphold the

United States and North Carolina State Constitutions; and

WHEREAS, There is no Constitutional authority to restrict an individual’s unalienable rights; and

WHEREAS, Davidson County respects the inalienable right of its citizens to make their own choices

concerning their healthcare, bodies, and well-being; and

WHEREAS, Demanding employees to divulge their personal medical information invades their

protected right to privacy, and discriminates against them based on their perceived medical status, in

contradiction of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42USC § 12112(a)); and

WHEREAS, The Board of Davidson County Commissioners are tasked with protecting the employees

of Davidson County from unreasonable orders and with providing a cooperative working environment; and

WHEREAS, Davidson County does not have the resources to enforce State and Federal Mandates,

and does not intend to use its very limited resources to enforce any vaccine mandates issued by either the

State of North Carolina or the United States Federal government that violates our FREEDOM, and would

encourage all elected officials in North Carolina to refuse to require or to enforce the same;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Davidson County go on

record to oppose vaccination as a condition of employment for County employees.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of Davidson County declare that it has

no intention of using limited County resources to enforce any vaccine or mask mandate, and would encourage

all elected officials to refuse to require or enforce the same.

Adopted this the 9th day of November 2021.

THE FREEDOM AGAINST VACCINE MANDATES resolution passed with affirmative votes from:

Karen Watford, Todd Yates, James Shores, Chris Elliott and Steve Shell

The motion was opposed by:

Don Truell and Fred McClure

Elliott said he isn’t “anti-vaccine” or “anti-mask” but called mask mandates an “arbitrary” abuse of power. “It’s our job to question the decision.”

When reached by Davidson Local, Elliott expressed satisfaction with the vote and resolution co-drafted by Commissioner Shores. “I think it’s important any time we feel like our constitutional freedoms are being undercut….to ask does it line up with Article 1, Section 8 {of the Constitution}.”

In an interview following the meeting, Commissioner McClure said he voted against the resolution because “People left the meeting cheering. I think that it misleads people.” He called the resolution “a political maneuver” painting County Commissioners in a box. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

In a statement sent to Davidson Local McClure said that the resolution only applies to Davidson County employees and has no effect on citizens. McClure said, “Also the commissioners had already decided we were not going to ok any mandates.”

As a former educator, Commissioner Watford called the timing of the resolution “interesting.” “I don’t like wearing masks but…the school board has a task to do…They may be doing what they believe as right, just like we believe what we are doing what is right…I don’t believe in a mandate either.” She voted for the resolution although she shared “conflicting ideas” based on the purpose of resolutions.

Elliott stated, “More so, than anything, this lets people know where we stand.”

Commissioner Shores and Yates pointed to a previous resolution supporting the 2nd Amendment. “These little ole’ pieces of paper, I’m not saying this one, is going to mean nothing,” said Yates. He challenged those who support the resolution to prepare for a battle with the federal government.

Commissioner Shell referred the group to read an NIH Study [Davidson Local is currently seeking a copy of this research] that he claims discusses “negative impacts” of masks. “The reason why we are sitting here today is because we don’t know…have we ever been presented with the negative impact of masks?” said Shell. “You can’t believe anything these days…Don’t believe me…read the study.”

To view the full meeting, go to:

County Commissioners Meeting November 9, 2021 - YouTube

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