

County rescues veteran’s medical transportation program

County rescues veteran’s medical transportation program


Davidson County Department of Senior Services is offering  transportation to the Veterans Medical Centers in Kernersville and Salisbury NC. Trips to the V.A. Medical Center in Salisbury are on Wednesdays only and trips to the Kernersville V.A.  Medical Center on Thursdays.  

The program was almost lost for local veterans. “This is not a new program. Senior Services offered transportation to the VA Medical Centers in the past, as funds permitted. In January 2020, a DAV (Disabled American Veterans) chapter began providing this service but due to the pandemic later ceased,” explained Senior Services Director Thessia Everhart-Roberts. “Recently after finding out this service was no longer being provided for Veterans of Davidson County, the county departments of Senior Services and Transportation Services partnered to resume this service. Through this partnership our goal is to provide safe and reliable transport for county veterans.’ 

To be eligible for transportation, individuals must be a Davidson County resident and a Veteran. One caregiver will be permitted to accompany the Veteran if necessary.

Appointments with the V.A. Medical Centers should be made within the time allotted from 9:00  a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to ensure a return trip. This will be a shuttle service so there may be several  riders with other appointments on board. When appointments are completed, the V.A. Medical  Center will call for a return pick up.

Everhart-Roberts says this is great news for local veterans. “There are no limits to the number that can be transported. None will be turned away. If there is an overflow, we will work with our transportation partner to secure another bus or van. Transportation is open to veterans of all ages who have appointments at the VA Medical Center,” said Everhart-Roberts.

The program is critical for veteran with disabilities. “Veterans, particularly those living in rural areas and those with significant disabilities, often find that transportation is a barrier to health care. To those that do not have access to reliable transportation to VA Medical Centers, often will reschedule or miss appointments, delay their care, and miss or delay medication use,” Everhart-Roberts said. “These consequences may lead to poorer management of chronic illness and thus poorer health outcomes. Transportation is a basic but necessary step for ongoing health care and medication access, particularly for those with chronic diseases.”

To schedule transportation, call the scheduling line (336) 242-2947, at least 48 hours prior to the  appointment. This number is for transportation to appointments only.

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