

Cruising through the streets

Cruising through the streets

Self-care is a hot button topic.

Especially in this pandemic. There’s a push to put life on pause to do things that enhance your mental and emotional state. The way we do life has been altered often affecting our ability to care for self in a way that has become routine for us.

I’m a huge proponent of self-care. So much so that it’s no longer a collective of things I do to ensure I live a balanced life, it’s a lifestyle. Over the years I’ve incorporated many rituals and necessities into my daily routine that produce joy, euphoria, and a state of just being.

For over a decade, running has been my go-to. There’s an indescribable feeling I receive when I’m purposely using my legs to power me forward as I glide on top of the pavement. There’s a wind I create that reminds me that I’m strong, fierce, and courageous. There’s a “high” I receive when I’ve reached that cruising speed where I just want to run forever and ever.

When I tapped into my love for running, I heightened my love for the outdoors. Growing up, it was always my favorite place to be. However, adult life crept in and the amount of time I spent in nature started evaporating. So, I adjusted. And I added indoor activities that provided me with space to get lost in the moment. On that list includes doing puzzles, coloring, making jewelry and dancing.

But outside is where I thrive. The clarity I receive when I’m in the elements, chilling, is unmatched. When I’m inside too long, I get this suffocating feeling. I feel off. At times, I get irritable. That’s when I know I need to satisfy that need. That need to be outside breathing fresh air, listening to birds, and watching animals do animal things.

It’s so refreshing!

And it’s the very reason why I’ve casually added a new branch to my self-care tree – bike riding!!

Can you hear the excitement in my voice?

It’s like one of the best things ever!

It all started with a conversation, last year, with my friend, Beth, whose more like a little sister.

Our chat centered around me getting a bike. I’d been talking about purchasing one for a couple of years but hadn’t. There was no reason why other than I hadn’t purchased one. She told me that she had another bike and it was mine if I wanted it.

*insert happy dance*

A week after the conversation, she, her son, and myself took off on an adventure around town. She, on her yellow “beach cruiser,” her son on his green, superhero bike, and me on my lavender “beach cruiser.” It took me almost five minutes before I settled in on a surprising thought. I hadn’t ridden a bike in at least 20 years! I graduated high school 21 years ago and that was the last time I had a bike. I was in a complete state of shock.

From the time my feet hit the pedals, I was in love all over again. The sun was beaming on my face. The wind was blowing across my face. And the smile on my face was all the evidence you needed to confirm this act of powering myself up and down streets using wheels was now a necessity.

Add it to the self-care lifestyle.

After riding for over two hours, we made our way back to the neighborhood. I couldn’t stop grinning. I had so much fun. I also couldn’t grasp why it had taken me so long to get back to that moment. I guess it was because I’d truly forgotten how enjoyable it was.

Now, I struggle to not ride every day. If I could, I would. I’m also trying to find balance between bike riding and running. What I really need are more hours in the day.

*insert the hand clapping of all women*

Seriously though, rediscovering my love for bike riding has been a game changer. I love swerving to miss potholes, gliding over speed bumps, finding a big parking lot to casually perform donuts in, cruising through neighborhoods I rarely visit, randomly stopping to look at different things around town and covering a vast amount of mileage in a short amount of time.

I’m now at a point where I must “beach cruise” at least once a week. And every outing is different. I’ve rode solo. I’ve rode to personal training appointments. I’ve rode to my cousin’s house. I’ve rode to get a snow cone. I’ve rode in the rain. I’ve rode to get vegetables from the community garden (the bike has a basket on it).

I’ve had so much fun!

I can’t thank my little sister enough for this blessing.

Before I depart, let me offer a suggestion. Adult life is challenging. It brings with it so many demands, requirements, and expectations. There are plenty of adult things we can do to promote self-care – traveling, massages, burning incense and oils, yoga, meditating, pedicures, manicures, focused breathing, etc.

However, I want to challenge you to think about the things you did as a child that produced joy. That joy that made you want to tell your mom, dad, or friends about how much fun you had. Think about those things and figure out what you can incorporate from your childhood into your adult life. I’m convinced that many people are missing out on some of life’s greatest self-care blessings because we’re focused on adulting.

Let that kid in you ooze out and have some fun! I promise you won’t regret it.

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