Super Tuesday Surprises Local Officials: Davidson County BOE Primary results
Super Tuesday in Davidson County determined several uncontested races.
Voters affiliated with a party were eligible to cast a ballot in that party’s primary on March 5th. Unaffiliated voters could choose to vote in any party’s election. The state offered an early in-person voting period, and no excuse was required to vote absentee. Voters could return absentee ballots by mail or in person as long as they were received by the close of polls.
North Carolina is one of five states that held a Super Tuesday presidential primary as well as state and local primaries, including races for state and congressional offices.
Voter turnout in Davidson County reached 25.59% with 29,783 ballots out of 116,381 registered voters.
Davidson County Board of Elections
The primary for Davidson County served as the deciding factor for Commissioner seats. Republican incumbents Fred McClure and Todd Yates won two of three top spots for County Commissioner. Newcomer Tripp Kester (R) of Wallburg topped the slate of 12 with Republican and unaffiliated voters.
Former President Donald J. Trump carried the primary in Davidson County and NC. According to party officials, a surprising number of democrats (13.62%) in Davidson County voted “No Preference” for a presidential candidate.
For more election results click here
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 is the uniform Election Date.