

DC Commissioners approve pay raise for sheriff's department

DC Commissioners approve pay raise for sheriff's department

The Davidson County Commissioners voted on Tuesday night in favor of a pay scale that will allot raises to members of the sheriff’s department based on years of employment. County Manager, Casey Smith, presented two options to the commissioners.

Sheriff Richie Simmons shared with the board the challenges he’s faced in recruiting and retaining staff due to noncompetitive pay and other concerning factors. Simmons noted that in two weeks, he’s had six resignations.

Commissioner James Shores stated that Simmons needed to have bartering ability as it pertains to potential employees who have years of experience and multiple certifications.

The board also heard a presentation from Jonathan Smith of Davidson Craven. Smith approached the board seeking approval to prepare a letter of intent for tracts of land in the I-85 Corporate Center.

The company’s desire is to construct two buildings ranging from 100,000 sq. ft. to 350,000 sq. ft. During the building process, they would actively recruit potential tenants. This could include furniture and biopharma manufacturers as well as healthcare services.

Discussion amongst the commissioners consisted of concerns about allowing land development in the industrial park that was slated for recruitment of larger manufacturers and the construction of spec buildings.

The motion to allow Davidson Craven to proceed with a letter of intent was denied in a 4-3 vote.

Additionally, at the meeting, Rita Hare was appointed to serve on the Board of Trustees for Davidson-Davie Community College.

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