

DCHD will continue J&J vaccine distribution

DCHD will continue J&J vaccine distribution

The Davidson County Health Department is aware of reports of adverse reactions post Janssen (J & J) COVID-19 vaccination in other jurisdictions. This week across the country, several recipients of this  vaccine have reported adverse reactions post vaccine including: nausea, dizziness, light headedness,  feeling faint, rapid breathing, and sweating. These reactions have prompted some COVID vaccine  providers to halt dispensing of the J & J COVID-19 vaccine.  

COVID-19 vaccines are tested, safe and effective in preventing hospitalization and death from the  COVID-19 virus. On Friday, March 12, 2021, the Davidson County Health Department administered 280  J & J vaccines and no adverse reactions were reported. Additional J & J vaccines have been  administered by the department and no adverse reactions have been reported to date.  

We encourage each vaccine recipient to make informed decisions regarding their own health and well being as it relates to receiving a vaccine. Each vaccine recipient has the opportunity to speak with a  healthcare professional to discuss the risks, benefits, and potential side-effects from the vaccine during  the appointment. We provide written materials from the manufacturer to all vaccine recipients that  include potential side effects, and instruction on what to do if adverse reactions occur.  

At this time the CDC recommends continuing dispensing of the J & J COVID-19 vaccine. Therefore, the  Davidson County Health Department will continue with plans to provide the J & J vaccine at a clinic on  Saturday, April 10 to those who made appointments earlier in the week. The CDC recommends each  vaccine recipient do the following prior to receiving any vaccine to prevent adverse reactions: 

• Eat prior to receiving the vaccine 

• Have plenty of fluids before receiving the vaccine 

• If you feel lightheaded, lie down after receiving the vaccine 

• Relax during the vaccination process 

All COVID vaccine recipients at the Davidson County Health Department are monitored by health care  personnel for at least 15 minutes after receiving the vaccine. If during that time a recipient feels  unwell, staff are on-hand to provide assistance.  

Updated COVID-19 vaccine appointments

Updated COVID-19 vaccine appointments

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