

Faith and Fellowship: A Mother's Love is a Gift from God

Faith and Fellowship: A Mother's Love is a Gift from God

Being a mother is a very important role that God chooses to give to many women. Children are a treasure from the Lord, Psalm 127: 3-5. Mothers have a unique and crucial role in the lives of their children. Mothers are called to nurture, care, develop, encourage, teach, train, discipline, embrace, and most importantly love their children. Rather good or bad, a mother’s love is much like the love of God. The word of God speaks in scripture of a motherly side of God.

God promises in Isaiah 16:13 - “As a mother comforts her child, I shall comfort you.” Jesus even compares his love and care to a mother hen, as he grieves before Jerusalem in Luke 13:34. As children, we have learned to depend solely on our mothers (fathers). As a child our first and most powerful experience of love came from our mothers. The love from our mothers starts from the womb and continues in the arms of our mothers.

The word of God never says that every woman must be a mother by carrying a child for nine months. God has given us mothers that may not have carried a child in the womb. However it says every woman that has been blessed with motherhood should treat the role with the utmost respect and responsibility. A Godly mother never hates motherhood, or treats it like a boring routine. A mother will carry her baby within her body, feed the baby, lull the baby and looks after her child until she leaves this earth. A mother’s love never ends!!!

Proverbs 22:6 teaches us to train up a child in the way they should go. A Mothers love will teach and guide us. The most precious mother God gave us in the Bible was a woman to give birth to his son Jesus Christ. The woman Mary is the most significant mother in the Holy Book. There are other mothers throughout the Bible that have done great things for their children. These mothers are influential mothers in the word of God.

Today as we celebrate our mothers let us remember the mothers who has gone home to be with the Lord. We say Happy Mothers Day in heaven. Psalm 34: -18, “ The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves the crush spirit”.

As we celebrate the love of a mother,
Let us remember the words from the great Shirley Caesar.
”I remember mama and the love that she gave, kneeling by her bedside, I can still hear mama say, the people are depending on you; don’t you let them down. I remember mama in a happy way. Now mama is sleeping in the bosom of Jesus Christ. I remember mama in a happy way!”

As we meditate on the word of God this week let us remember, the Bible consistently tells us to honor and love our mothers. A mothers love is like food to our souls!

May God so richly bless!

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