

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: July 30, 2021

From Sen. Jarvis' Desk: July 30, 2021

Dear Friends,

This week the Governor announced new COVID-19 guidelines that would require all state cabinet workers to receive the COVID vaccine. The NCDHHS also announced a mandate enforcing all workers to receive the vaccine.

In addition, the Southern District Court of Texas has dismissed an objection to the COVID-19 vaccine which you can read.

The Equal Opportunity Commission has also stated that “employers can require employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 subject to reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities or sincerely held religious beliefs that preclude vaccination..

These are difficult and challenging times. I am against mandatory vaccines and will not support any legislation put forward that forces vaccines on NC citizens.

In the district this week I had a productive conversation with the City Council of Troy, NC as well as Representative Ben Moss. I am thankful to work alongside such dedicated public servants.

I also had the opportunity to meet with the members of “Protect Badin Lake” at Lakeside Restaurant to discuss the current progress. Thank you for the kind invitation and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

This week our country observed National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day. I hope we will all take time this week to thank a veteran in your life or in your community and pay homage to the sacrifices made by those who came before us. The United States will continue to defend freedom and justice even in the most remote parts of the planet. We owe so much to our servicemen and thank you to all our Korean War Veterans.

As always thank you to our numerous constituents who continue to write, call or email our office. I will never stop fighting for you.

Henriquez Pizza opens new Denton location

Henriquez Pizza opens new Denton location

Health department vaccine schedule for August 2-7

Health department vaccine schedule for August 2-7