

Give Work A Chance: How Can Lexington Build a Makerspace?

Give Work A Chance: How Can Lexington Build a Makerspace?

There was much interest in the column “Does Lexington need a Makerspace?” In an effort to help launch this initiative, I’ve provided a step by step process to help advocates know how. 

What is a Makerspace? It is like a gym or YMCA, except you don't lift weights. Members get access to tools, equipment, expert training and mentorship to make and fix stuff.

Makerspaces are  breeding grounds for ideas to become reality, skills to be developed, youth to gain mentors and jobs, retirees to gain a new purpose by sharing their knowledge,and an incubator for new products and companies. That's why all over the world and throughout the US. Thousands of empty spaces are filled with equipment, classes, programs to grow skills and the entrepreneurial spirit. Currently, there are an estimated 5000 makerspaces in the US located in places such as numerous universities and school systems. But, the truly special makerspaces are the community makerspaces that are led by grassroots efforts to enable folks to make, fix and create new ideas whether its with old technologies like welding, woodworking, sewing, pottery or with digital manufacturing using Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machines, 3d printing and laser engraving. 

Here are the steps to building a makerspace:

1 Build a core group of  committed makers
Host a series of public meetings and explain to attendees what is a makerspace. Start hosting meetings once a month to build a core group of 20-30 interested makers. Try to build diversity at the beginning of the process.  

2 Conduct maker surveys
Find out what your potential makers want to make. This question is like fuel to build the maker's interest. Once people start seeing their vision of the outcomes of their efforts that fuels the energy to make the vision into a reality. 

3  Find out what equipment and tools you will need. 
After you build a wish list, ask supporters what they would like to have included in the makerspace. Publish and post the wish list on social media and share with area industry leaders and the chambers in hopes that donations emerge. 

4 Find out what projects you will make
By having a deeper understanding as to what will be created, what equipment and tools will be needed, this will help determine what kind and size makerspace you will need. 

5 Work on creating an inclusive maker culture at the beginning of the process
The best makerspaces have a diverse membership. The older members can teach shop skills to area youth. The youth can help set up websites and teach older members how to use their cell phones. It’s important to break past traditional gender stereotypes by offering sewing classes for men and welding classes for women. Creating a diverse membership will strengthen the capacity and outputs of the makerspaces. 

6 Find a space
Ideally, convert some of the current warehouses or empty spaces into a 5-10,000 square foot area for both industrial and office spaces. See if the city, county, or property owner will donate a space to the cause. 

7 Identify future Community Maker Projects
Makerspaces can help attract some incredible talent and if mobilized can fill the void to build art, sculptures, or even sensors to help identify toxins in the air, prepare for disasters and rebuild afterwards. These projects are great tools to galvanize the maker spirit to solve problems and grow performance levels. 

8 Find or create a non profit that will take on this project 
Setting up makerspaces does require funding but there are numerous grants and funding sources to support makerspaces. For more tips on how to build a makerspace, check out

A makerspace enables folks to hone the skills that they were introduced to at community colleges or school but were never able to master. It also enables beginners to find new passions they can later go onto community colleges or other institutions to grow their competencies.

For those interested in starting a makerspace in Lexington, feel free to reach out to me and I will help guide you and accelerate your process to setting up this fantastic tool to grow Lexington’s future prosperity levels. 

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