

Give Work A Chance: Lucky Qualities to Land a Job

Give Work A Chance: Lucky Qualities to Land a Job

Be motivated: Set high goals for yourself. Don't be satisfied with what you have. Strive for more.

Be hungry: Be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job ethically.

Be internally driven: Employers love to hire poor, hungry, and driven (PHD) talent because they’re internally motivated, self-correcting and strive for high standards. They can see the energy and enthusiasm in the interview.

Be knowledgeable: Research the employers in advance by visiting their Web sites. Find out what types of equipment the employers use. Learn what type of manufacturing processes they employ. Determine what challenges the employers face.

Be the answer: Think about what transferable skills you have to offer. Begin thinking about how you can help solve their problems. Invest in yourself. Take classes at technical schools and pursue certifications.

Be confident: All they can do is to tell you no – so go for it. Be willing to talk to the employers and to listen to what they say and don't say.

Be service-driven: Focus on what you can do for them and not what they can do for you.

Be enthusiastic: Believe in your product. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. Be able to talk in depth about your credentials, training, work experiences and other information that demonstrates your value to help them advance their business.

Be charming: Explain to the employer why you would like to work for them.

Be flexible: Be willing to consider multiple shifts, commuting or relocating for the right opportunity. Be willing to start at the bottom and work your way up.

Be positive: Dress for success and focus on positive outcomes. Know your stuff and don't whine about “wouldas, shouldas, couldas.”

Be connected: Attend area job fairs and join professional organizations. Get involved in civic groups, attend area meetings, chamber functions, city council meeting and other events. , 

Be persistent: Many times, the job goes to the one who wants it the most, so never give up.

Friendship Baptist Church hosting installation services this weekend

Friendship Baptist Church hosting installation services this weekend

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