

It's fall y'all

The season of fall has whispered its way into our lives. We are now noticing that the days are growing shorter and there is a brisk feel in the morning air. It is now the season of harvest, the time to reap the rewards of hard work and to reflect on the blessing in our lives. It’s fall y’all and it's time that we smell the cinnamon in the air. It’s time we smell the nutmeg in the kitchen. It’s time that we hear the sound of dried rustling leaves in the wind. We are seeing the leaves change colors as we taste the sweetness of pumpkin spice lattes. As believers our minds sometimes reflect back to the transformation into the image of Jesus.Galatians 6:7-8 teaches us, “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. A Man reap what he sows. Whosoever sows  to please their flesh from the flesh will reap destruction; whosoever sows to please the spirit will reap eternal life.” We should always know that God will make his people ready for the harvest. For God’s powerful redemption never fails. Of all the seasons there is none more exciting with the anticipation than fall, y’all.

Frank Sinatra once stated through the song,  The September of My Years, “One day you turn around and it’s summer. Next day you turn around and it’s fall and the springs and the winters of a lifetime. Whatever happened to them all?”

We should always take a moment to reflect on how far God has brought us from.

There is much to be done before the winter sets in, we should take a moment to breathe slowly and enjoy the cool crisp air of the fall. As believers, let us show our gratitude and let us thank God for his new mercies. It's fall  y’all for everything there is a season, a time for everything under the sun. As the fall sets upon us, the season brings God’s wisdom that will benefit our lives through the season. During this season we should slow down and enjoy the goodness of our Lord and Savior.

The word of God teaches us to “Be still and know that I am God.” Just as leaves fall from the trees let us remove anything that hinder our walk with our Savior. Let us embrace change as the fall demonstrates change Isaiah 43:19 teaches us, “For I am about to do something new”, it’s fall y’all.

As we meditate on the word of God this week, let us remember this blessed season of fall. We thank God for the beautiful fall with the shorter days, cooler temperatures and the bountifulness of the harvest. Let us have a heart of thanksgiving this fall y’all.

May God So Richly Bless!

{Image: Stock}

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