

Holy Week: First Reformed UCC offers interactive worship experiences

Holy Week: First Reformed UCC offers interactive worship experiences

Realizing that many people, especially busy families, struggle to make it to church regularly on Sunday mornings, First Reformed UCC is offering a creative way to worship during Holy Week, the days leading up to Easter Sunday. 

First Reformed invites the public to come to “The Stations of Holy Week on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Holy Week, April 14-16, 2022.  This is a walk-through, multi-sensory worship experience for all ages.  After entering the sanctuary, you will go to different interactive prayer stations that depict scenes from the last week of Jesus’ life. 

Prayer stations are 5-10 minute prayer activities that invite the “pray-er” to read, listen, and reflect as you engage with art, movement, and your other senses. Sitting still through an hour-long service can be tough for many of us, but walking through a series of interactive stations can help both adults and children creatively engage our bodies, mind, and our emotions.  

Travel the path Jesus walked the final week of his life. Holy Communion will be served.  All are welcome. 

 Thursday, April 14, 4-7 pm

Friday, April 15, 4-7 pm

Saturday, April 16, 10 am – Noon

First Reformed UCC Ministry Contacts 2022

PFLAG Belinda Yates

NAMI Joe and Cathy Browder

2CFAR Rev. Elizabeth Horton

Saturday Lunch John Maze

Clothing Ministry Jerry Lovell

Community Meals Edgar Miller

Charles England Elementary School Partnership

Jay and Cathy Whitley

Meals on Wheels Alisa Johnson

Children/Youth Rev. Evan Sieges

Music Ellen Peterson, Choir Director

Christopher Kiger, Organist/Pianist

Worship/Sunday School/Book Studies Church Office 336-248-2617

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