Joel's Job Tip #11
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How can you get a job faster? How can you deal with less rejection?
Find an advocate that believes in you. When they approach an employer and say the same things you would say about yourself, it comes off believable and not boastful or untrustworthy.
In the movie Top Gun, we were introduced to the concept of Wingman, someone who has your back and helps you get new opportunities to complete your mission. Later, the term was adopted in the bar scene to help more get dates. Well, the same concept works great in the business world.
Here is a job hunt game for you and a friend who may be out of work.
Help each other get a job interviews. If you make it into a game, it will be less stressful and will help your chances.
You can assist each other to getting people who believe in you to write references. Ask your supporters to call companies and set up interviews. When you demonstrate that you can do what your advocates say you can do, you may have a chance to put your skills to work. Keep setting them up until the offers emerge and you both are working.