Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services —



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Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services

Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Health and Human Services

The JLOC on Health and Human Services met this week to discuss several issues.

Topics included:

  • Early Education/Childcare

  • Behavioral Health

  • Restaurant and Bar Inspections.

Directors and staff from the NC Department of Health and Human Services presented data on each agenda item. Suggestions for how to improve the level of care and services that NC residents may need were highlighted.

It was also noted that increased funding from the Budget Bill 2023 has helped in several key areas.

Current concerns surrounding Behavioral Health for adults and children were featured. The news wasn't all negative, however, with the allocated funds injected into the budget to address mental health needs, tangible improvements are occurring across the state.

More bed space and resources for mental healthcare specialists are being created.

Members and presenters agreed on one thing: young people in North Carolina need more and better mental health care. The state’s recent expansion of Medicaid is a step in the right direction.

Kelly Crosbie, Director of the health department's Division of Mental Health said, “The state needs a high level of care for the high level of needs that they are experiencing across the state. We do find ourselves in a crisis, especially after COVID," Crosbie also noted, "The children that are ending up in emergency rooms waiting for treatment are more complex than we've ever experienced."

Labor shortages continued to be a major theme in many of the presentations.

Directors Mark Benton and Kelly Crosbie assured committee members that career pathways are being researched and creative solutions for hiring snarls are being pursued.

{Images: Public Use}

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