

Kassie’s Column: Farewell, DL

Kassie’s Column: Farewell, DL

Having lived almost 42.5 years, there are a few things I know for sure:

  • eastern NC folks are always ready to start a civil war over their bbq (that ain’t no good!)

  • sugar does belong in grits

  • cats are hill-arious

  • everything is better at the beach

  • all-inclusive resorts are a gift from Heaven

  • pizza is, too

  • exercising should be a priority not an after thought

  • battles should be chosen wisely (thanks Ma!)

  • and seasons change…

…although in our great state, this change is a daily occurrence. Bubble coat in the morning, tank top in the afternoon, anyone?

In our lives the seasonal transformation often isn’t as rapid as what we experience outside. Yet, if we allow ourselves to function from a state of consistent growth then we know we’ll arrive at various stages in our lives where we will be prompted to shed what once was for something that shall be.

And with that revelation, this column serves as my formal announcement: Beginning December 1, I will no longer operate in any role within Davidson Local.

Seasons change.

When Antionette and I started this journey in February 2021, our driving force was simple: we wanted to fill in a gap. Local news coverage was nearly non-existent. Having been in the industry for over 20 years, we were well versed in its necessity. So, we began to ponder how we could make this dream a reality.

With encouragement and our first donation from Rev. Dr. Arnetta Beverly, we embarked down a path that was only lit enough for us to see our next step. We launched on April 5, 2021 and have been providing free hyperlocal news every day since then.

*standing ovation*

However, seasons change.

For over two and a half years, I’ve dedicated myself to the mission of DL. I’ve served as the managing editor. I’ve written hundreds of articles. I’ve edited thousands of content. I’ve read millions of words.

I’ve foregone sleep. I’ve woken up early to finish getting Davidson Daily set for the morning email. I’ve stayed up late to deliver timely news. I’ve interviewed key government officials, local and statewide. I’ve rushed from my home to cover breaking news. I’ve featured local citizens who’ve made an impact on this world. I’ve penned an investigative series into the history of Dunbar.

I’ve done a lot.

I’ve learned a lot.

I’ve grown a lot.

I’m proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish in a short amount of time.

Nevertheless, seasons change.

And it’s time for my next adventure.

And I know many of you will ask what will that be?

Well, I still have my company KSL Can, LLC where I offer services as a freelance writer and communication consultant. I’m still a certified personal trainer. I’m still the marketing coordinator for the Davidson County Local Food Network.

Long story short, I’m still booked, busy and blessed.

With new opportunities on the horizon.

As I bid farewell, I do so with peace of mind. Forever, I’ll be grateful to be the co-founder of Davidson Local. Starting a newspaper was never on my list of things to do but I’m glad I did it.

To the DL team past and present, THANK YOU! It’s been a joy to work with you, build with you and develop relationships with you. Through the good, challenging and uncertainties, you believed in our mission and encouraged us as we worked to provide the best news coverage we could for Davidson County.

To our advertisers and Birthday Club members, THANK YOU for believing in us and supporting us monetarily. Davidson Local wouldn’t be able to function without you.

To our subscribers and readers, THANK YOU! We started this newspaper for you.

To AK, we’ve done good.

Cheers to forward movement.

“And suddenly you just know…it’s time to start something news and trust the magic of beginnings.” -Meister Eckhart


*If you would like to reach out to me, my email address is

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