

Kassie's Column: Out with the old, In with the new

Kassie's Column: Out with the old, In with the new


If I only had one word to describe 2021 that would be it.

What a year.

Now that I’ve typed that, I’ve thought of another word to describe the past 365 days: transformative. When I sit down and reflect on all that’s taken place, I can pinpoint moments that transformed me on a day where I’m glad to exhale with a Whew! because I survived it.

This year has been unlike any other. For starters, I turned the milestone age of 40. From the beginning of 2021, I approached reaching this glorious peak, dubbed #40K, with excitement, anticipation and a loving embrace. With no fear of becoming an age that seemed so far away when I was a teen, I welcomed what 40 would mean in my life. I knew it would come with more fervor, authenticity, liberation, growth, opportunities, laughter, love, joy and peace. I was correct.

But we all know life happens, right? And while ideally we’d all want life to only deal us a hand that’s full of aces, we sometimes end up with cards that leave us wondering how we’re going to overcome the challenges they present to emerge victorious.

I’ve had a lot of great moments, days, weeks and months this year which have often been weaved in amongst moments, days, weeks and months that have been rough. 2021 brought the goods. You want to know what else it brought into my life? Uncertainty, severed friendships, uncomfortable situations, hard truths, unwavering stances, disagreements, silent seasons, pruning and an overwhelming amount of death.

Maybe it was just in my world but it seemed like once a week, I was getting a call, text or reading about someone I knew passing. Within the last seven weeks, I’ve had three family members and a close friend pass - all within six days of each other. I’m still processing through it. Some days I do a great job of sorting through the it. Others, I don’t.

Both scenarios are ok.

I decided long ago to not fight life. Most of what I encounter is beyond my control. What I can control is how I respond. My goal is to respond with love. Does this always happen? Absolutely not. I ain’t Jesus. I got some Peter in me. Got a lot of Jesus in me, too. Some of that table flipping Jesus. Ya’ll read how he popped off on them moneychangers getting their Walmart on in the temple. So, yeah I basically just justified why Jesus lovers like myself sometimes gotta make furniture move to prove a point. Ya dig?

Let me get back to 2021. At the end of each year, I survey what took place, what worked well, what didn’t, what I want to leave behind and what I want to take with me into the new year. If this year hasn’t taught me anything else, it’s taught me to be intentional. Even more than I have been previously.

Yall, it’s been a year. And if you’re reading this, I want you to give yourself a big hug because you survived it. For real, hug yourself! You deserve it. Despite the fact you might not be back to your old self or you’re struggling with your mental health or people haven’t kept their word, you deserve to celebrate the fact that you survived a year many didn’t.

Often, 2021 has felt heavy. Rightfully so. From this seemingly never ending pandemic to an insurrection to the all too common onslaught of school shootings resuming to bickering over masks and vaccinations to police brutality to evil people doing evil things, the need to be intentional is even more evident. Whether that’s with yourself, your family, friends, neighbors, whoever - a life of intentionality can equip you to handle life, effectively, as it happens.

As I’ve worked to incorporate this principle into my life more the past few years, the one lesson I continuously encounter is a reminder there’s always room to grow in this area. Don’t shortchange yourself by thinking you’ve mastered it because at some point something will happen and you’ll see you haven’t.

Alright, enough of the somberness. A new year is coming. That’s reason to celebrate! Get beyond the dark cloud, take inventory of what’s good in your life and prepare for this next chapter that's guaranteed to teach, stretch and elevate you, if you allow it. And remember, no matter what comes your way, you’ve got this!

Happy 2K22!!

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