

Opinion: The “Red Wave '' is dangerous

Opinion: The “Red Wave '' is dangerous

Let's make something clear, the “Red Wave '' is dangerous. These 2022 midterm elections are CRUCIAL, they are about fighting for our civil and right to privacy. We have to flood the polls by ensuring that our friends, family, and loved ones are exercising their right to vote. There is so much at stake this November, and it is up to us to put up a fight.

The GOP cannot trust their own candidates at this point, please understand you cannot either. This article isn’t meant to instill fear, but rather call our community to action. Last month we lived through one of the most unbelievable times in our nation's history, as the supreme court wiped away a fundamental right to privacy established 50 years ago. They threw precedent out of the window, and quoted “common law” in their argument as if the values of that time are the values we sustain now.

They also made it clear (Justice Clarence Thomas) that they plan on coming for so many other groups and their rights —- this is only the beginning in their attempt to challenge American’s fundamental rights. We sit here in disbelief as the same party that blocked Obama's right to nominate a supreme court judge, because “that couldn't be done during an election year” managed to place three judges in power - two during election year. All three judges, who during their confirmation hearings, stated that they would uphold the constitutional right to

choice. The same judges who now have a conservative majority in one of the most powerful branches of government, representing the GOP, unable to separate party from law, church from state. I ask you to analyze how the same party who has not won the popular vote since 1988 —who does not represent the diverse average American now holds so much power.

There is nothing pro-life about this party. This is the same party who sat by quietly as children were separated from their parents under the Trump administration, put in cages, and then “lost” by CBP without being held accountable. This is the same party that sat by quietly while the former President of the United States incited an insurrection on our United States capital. In an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results and take away the voice of millions of Americans.

This is the same party who supports taking away women’s right to choose, but does not support increasing funding for social programs like food stamps, WIC, and more. In fact, it is not uncommon for the right to use the argument that their taxes should not be used to raise other people’s children. They will cry for fetuses rights, but will deny the mother any resources to help bring in a child. They do not support increasing programs and funding that will invest in our children, especially the ones in foster care.

They are pro-birth NOT pro-life. We are already starting to see how these extreme laws are already causing confusion within women’s right to obtain contraception in some states. There was a 10 year old CHILD, raped, and impregnated, who was denied access to an abortion in Ohio. In this scenario, she was able to travel, but we know that not all victims of rape will have these resources. Let me ask you, can you really tell me in the name of religion, that this was God’s will? This should make you sick. We have limited resources for our teachers, budget cuts in education, thousands in foster care, and the GOP is doing nothing but banning women’s access to healthcare as a party—- not investing in conditions to better our children.

Please understand that your vote is your power. During these upcoming midterms, the GOP majority in NC will come down to a couple of seats. A couple of seats will decide if women and our children in NC will continue to have access to healthcare. Do not be mistaken, if we lose,

they will attempt to pass extreme bans in our state. The “House Bill 158” previously proposed in 2021 was an extreme ban. We cannot allow something of this nature to pass in our state. Although we have Governor Cooper, without the majority our access to choice is at risk. It is time we put our foot down, and say enough is enough. We urge you not to fall prey to the baseless rhetoric that is being spread. We urge you to speak out every chance you get, and inform your loved ones of the importance of these elections.

The time for sitting back and hoping someone else will do it, is over. This is the time for the blue wave, for us to fight for the wave that will protect our rights. If we unite, we can make a difference in NC. This November when you cast your ballot think about your daughter, your mother, sister or wife. What will you tell them when they ask what did you do to fight for them?

Last chance to see it this weekend!

Last chance to see it this weekend!

Opinion: Rebuttal to DC Democratic Women's Reasons to vote Blue

Opinion: Rebuttal to DC Democratic Women's Reasons to vote Blue