LCS shares masking guidelines
Masks Indoors – Masks are required of all students and staff regardless of vaccination status upon school property unless an exception applies. Medical exemptions MUST have medical documentation. For sincerely held religious belief exemptions, parents should put such requests in writing to the school principal.
Masks Outdoors – Students and staff are required to be masked from the time they exit their vehicle to enter into school facilities, while walking to their vehicle upon dismissal and at all times while waiting on a bus or other school provided transportation. Masks are required at all times while on buses, including activity buses, and other school provided transportation.
Visitors—All visitors to the school building are required to wear a mask to enter the building and should continue to wear the mask until they exit.
Testing of Students Participating in Extracurricular Activities – Testing prior to athletic contests and other extracurricular group events will be conducted for all unvaccinated students participating in activities where masking and/or social distancing are not achievable and in keeping with NC Department of Health and Human Services guidance.