

Lexington receives $25M in federal funding for train station

Lexington receives $25M in federal funding for train station

LEXINGTON, NC – The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) division of USDOT arrives to  announce that the City of Lexington, with tremendous support from NCDOT, has completed the  required prerequisite tasks to release funds for the Lexington Train Station. USDOT selected  Lexington to receive $25 Million through the Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage  Development (BUILD) grant program in September 2020. Passenger rail is a critical  transportation network, and now Lexington has the opportunity to connect by 2028. 

For nearly two decades, the City of Lexington has been seeking passenger rail to provide  residents alternate and equitable transportation options, both regionally and as a gateway corridor  up and down the east coast. Tammy Absher, Lexington’s Business and Community Development  Director, who led the City’s efforts throughout those 20 years, stated, “Without the partnerships  of all agencies involved, Lexington Train Station would not be possible. Federal, State and local agencies, elected officials, Norfolk Southern, North Carolina Railroad and other partners all had  to work together for this project to happen.” 

The train station project includes building two new boarding platforms, renovating the historic  freight depot as an interim passenger station, a vehicle tunnel under the railroad at Fifth Avenue,  connecting with Talbert Boulevard, and improving the tracks between the two areas. The project  will also include closing the at-grade rail crossing on Seventh Avenue.  

“More than a decade ago, it was determined by NCDOT and Amtrak that a station in Lexington  would add nearly 11,000 users annually to its rail system,” said NCDOT’s Rail Division  Director, Jason Orthner. “The new station will be a fantastic gateway for these members of the  community and visitors, as well as a center point of economic activity in this district.” 

The Lexington Train Station is a shining example of synergized collaboration at multiple levels  of the United States government and Railroad stakeholders. City officials are absolutely  committed to this successful venture with all key partners, bringing home to Lexington the  ultimate goal to connect current and future generations of residents, visitors and commerce to a  vital transportation option of rail transit.

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