

Lifestyles: Make the best meal of the day for someone special

Lifestyles: Make the best meal of the day for someone special

There is something really special about breakfast and brunch food, I must admit that I am totally addicted to the cuisine. This passion began when I was about ten years old and I cooked my very first scrambled egg successfully. That moment fostered my culinary interest and growth of skills. It also upped my breakfast menu repertoire.

There isn’t anything like a big breakfast on a lazy Saturday morning. I adore indulging on those days when I can have a leisurely weekend breakfast or meet my favorite cousin for brunch around noon.

Nothing can touch the vivid memories that I recall of being at my Grandmother's home after school on a cozy autumn evening and having my pallet totally seduced by my first ever introduction of breakfast for dinner.

My world changed forever.

My grandmother walked to the beat of her own drum and was a naturally gifted cook. She knew that nurturing her family thought her cooking was a definite extension of her love for us. The term “from scratch” could have been her mantra. It was commonplace to smell warm, wholesome, mouth-watering aromas wafting from the interior of her gas oven and filling the entire home.

I remember on that particular foggy evening, in place of her usual dinner fare she served fluffy scrambled eggs with creamy, buttery grits, an array of country sausages and crunchy thick cut bacon. Not to mention a pan of her hot, golden, steamy biscuits, which no meal in her home was ever complete without. This for me, was the crowning touch. Grandmother’s biscuits were especially delicious when accompanied by the caramelized, pan fried apples that she would surprise us with. This was my breakfast T.K.O.

A meal so gratifying that I fell in love with the concept of breakfast anytime.

Some evenings, after a long day at work it is so satisfying to arrive home and discover that it is the perfect time to indulge in my favorite meal.   

Now, the only difference is I have added such items as Eggs Benedict and Dutch Baby pancakes. Speaking of Eggs Benedict, it took me years to learn to properly poach an egg. Then one day I discovered a method so easy and fool proof that I could not believe it. I had suffered for years swirling pots of hot water with vinegar and carefully dropping in eggs, which usually left me with something that looked more like egg drop soup. 

 When I want to treat myself for breakfast or brunch I make a Dutch Baby pancake. A Dutch Baby pancake is nothing like a traditional pancake. It is basically a large popover and can be served with any meal. The custary texture reminds me of a crepe with crispy edges and can be made either savory or sweet. Unlike pancakes Dutch Baby pancakes are baked in the oven in a cast iron or metal pan. The steam trapped while cooking makes the Dutch Baby pancake rise tall and dramatically in the oven. I usually try to serve it before it completely deflates but that isn’t necessary, the collapse of the Dutch Baby pancake is a delicious part of it. I have made Dutch Baby pancakes on lots of occasions. Once for a fun change I pushed the envelope a little and served brunch at a dinner party that I hosted. Though that particular service had a more refined menu, it still held the same level of surprise and satisfaction that I first experienced at my grandmother’s and my guest adored it.
From French Toast with fizzy Mimosas to smothered hash browns, Dutch Baby pancakes and eggs any way that you like them, there are endless breakfast and brunch options. Surprise yourself and your family by serving breakfast anytime that you have the craving. 

Here is my technique for the easiest poached eggs ever and also my recipe for my favorite Dutch Baby pancakes.

Easy Poached Eggs

  • Place ½  cup of lukewarm water into a large coffee cup or mug.

  • Add 3 drops of Vinegar and add one cracked egg.

  • Microwave for one minute for a soft poached egg then allow the egg to sit for an additional 30 seconds. (For a medium poached egg microwave for an additional 30 seconds. For a firm poached egg microwave for an additional minute.) 

  • Gently remove the poached egg from the cup with a large spoon and place on a paper towel to remove the excess water 

  • Serve immediately

Sweet Dutch Baby Pancake

Makes 1 large pancake


  • 3 Large Eggs (at room temperature for at least 2 hours)

  • ½ cup Milk (at room temperature)

  • ½ cup All-Purpose Flour

  • 3 Tablespoon sugar

  • 1 Teaspoon of Fresh Lemon Zest

  • 6 Tablespoons of Butter

  • Powdered Sugar for Dusting

Heat oven to 425 degrees F
Combine eggs, milk, flour, sugar and lemon zest in a large bowl and blend until smooth with a hand mixer for 2 minutes on high speed. Or in a blender add all ingredients and blend for 1 minute until smooth. 

Place butter in a heavy 10-inch cast iron skillet or a metal cake pan then place in the oven to heat the butter. Watch it so that it does not burn or over brown.

 As soon as the butter has melted add the batter to the pan then return the pan to the oven and bake for 20 minutes until the pancake is puffed and golden. 

Lower oven temperature to 300 degrees and bake for an additional 5 minutes.

The trapped steam in the pancake will make the pancake rise tall. 

Do not open the oven until the baking is complete. 

The Dutch Baby pancake will collapse once removed from the oven. 

Once out of the oven, cut into wedges and serve with your favorite syrup, preserves or fresh fruit. Garnish with a dusting of powdered sugar. 

~ To make a savory Dutch Baby pancake substitute the tablespoons of sugar for your favorite freshly chopped herbs and add ¼ cup Feta Cheese.

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