Local Food hubs flourish with support of FarmSHARE
Food hubs in North Carolina are expressing gratitude to the Carolina Farm Association FarmSHARE program and local farmers for their continuous support, bolstering regional agriculture and improved access to fresh, locally sourced food in 2024. The FarmsSHARE program, supported by the NC Department of Agriculture, has seen significant success, enabling farmers in Davidson County to reach new markets and provide produce to those in need, according to Piedmont Fresh food hub representatives Grace Kanoy and Kana Miller.
Kanoy mentioned, "We participated for only one season, and we hope this program continues into 2025. We were encouraged to hear families inquiring about where to find these vegetables once the program ended, as well as how many tried new vegetables or shared their boxes with others."
A range of interesting and unfamiliar vegetables was introduced, prompting individuals to seek information online and enthusiastically explore new recipes. "People were thrilled with the freshness of the produce, and many arrived early at various outlets in hopes of securing a box each week."
Piedmont Fresh, part of the Davidson County Local Food Network, operates as a local food hub that processes weekly orders and delivers them to local pickup locations. This marks their inaugural season with the FarmShare Program.
Since 1979, CFSA has connected farmers, consumers, and businesses to create a healthy, fair, and sustainable food and farming system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many local farms faced challenges as restaurants ceased purchasing their products. CFSA received funding to forge partnerships with food hubs and cooperatives, redistributing over 20,000 food boxes to laid-off individuals. As the food industry recovers, CFSA continues to focus on ensuring that fresh food reaches those in need through community collaborations, aiding food-insecure households.
“This initiative is precisely how we can enhance our communities’ health—by supporting local farms and providing the healthiest, most nutritious food available,” Kanoy remarked. “Other areas in NC that have engaged with FarmsSHARE for several years are reporting health improvements among recipients who consistently receive these produce boxes.” She emphasized that proper nutrition can help address many chronic diseases. “We are eager to continue this program to witness similar enhancements in community health.”
Moreover, the FarmShare program has facilitated the growth of their food hub, “creating jobs and strengthening our local food system in the Triad. Programs like this can help establish a norm where we consume the food grown right here,” Kanoy added.
The group remains optimistic for another successful year. Roland McReynolds, Executive Director of the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, commented, “With adequate support, local food systems can improve community health and promote food justice. We are thankful to everyone who makes this work possible, showcasing the power of collaboration.”