

Local GOP  president increases online presence

Local GOP president increases online presence

Christopher Jessup was elected to lead the republican party with a commitment to an increased online presence for the local GOP. One of his first steps included the release of his "First 100 Days" initiative. His team has established new avenues of outreach on their revamped Davidson County, NC Republican Party Facebook Page, a YouTube Channel DavidsonGOP and a new website

Jessup was elected at last week’s local convention which featured North Carolina State GOP Chairman Michael Whatley. Whatley spoke on the importance of maintaining momentum going into the 2022 election season and the initiatives the NCGOP has to take to have a strong showing.

Davidson County Republican Party.jpg

The DCGOP also recognized former Vice-Chairman Terry Price and Evon Lambeth. Additionally, Chairman Jessup discussed his vision for the future of the DCGOP and Vice-Chairman John Spillman detailed some of the media outreach plans he has in place to grow the online presence of the DCGOP.  .

Jessup, a lifelong Republican, lives in Thomasville with his wife, Allison, and two daughters. He says he thought of his children and their future in his pursuit of the local office. After serving as precinct chairman/vice-chairman, member of the NC Federation of Republican Men/assistant secretary, 13th Congressional District Executive Committee, NC GOP Executive Committee, he eventually sought the role of chair.

“I want to see Davidson County become the ‘keystone’ for statewide Republican victories. Increasing our already-high Republican voter turnout here will impact statewide races,” Jessup said in a statement to Davidson Local. “Making DC the keystone for statewide Republican victories, strengthening our already strong grassroots organization.”

The current educator also noted that the party is seeking diversity and “reaching out to minorities who share our values.”

The group is planning a free event featuring Congressman Mark Walker on Tuesday, May 4th from 6 to 8 pm at 321 Marco Blvd in Lexington. For more information visit the event page featured on Facebook.

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