

Local office offers assistance and services for veterans

Local office offers assistance and services for veterans

With news of President Joe Biden signing into law, last month, the PACT Act making thousands of Davidson County veterans eligible for expanded benefits, Davidson Local has identified the need to share with its readers, again, information about services in our county for veterans. Housed in the Davidson County Governmental Building located at 913 N. Greensboro St, Lexington, The Davidson County Veterans Services Office offers a wide array of assistance to those who’ve served in the military.

The team consists of three members:

  • Rick Johnson – Director and Veteran Service Officer

  •  Cynthia Goodson – Veteran Service Officer

  • Petra Leonard – Veteran Service Officer

We spoke with Johnson to gather more insight into what their office provides.

  1. How long has Veteran Services been operational?
    For over 30 years.

  2. How long have you been the director?
    Since September of 2017

  3. Are you a veteran? If so, when did you serve and in what branch?
    USAF Retired   1977 - 1998

  4. What does veterans services offer to Davidson County residents?
    To provide the highest quality service to our veterans and their family members by utilizing all available resources including federal, state, county and civic. Veterans look to this office for assistance solving problems and answering questions that may arise.

  5. Are all veterans eligible to receive services from your office?
    All veterans are eligible to use our services.  We also assist the family members of deceased veterans.

  6. What do you feel is the most pressing issue for veterans? How can it be resolved?
    How much time do you have?  At the national level the biggest thing is the passing of the PACT ACT of 2022.  It is the most comprehensive change to VA benefits in modern history.

    The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances such as Agent Orange, herbicides, dioxins and radioactive substances. This law helps the VA provide generations of Veterans — and their survivors — with the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve.

    On the local level, our biggest challenge would have to be transportation for disabled veterans to their medical appointments. In the past the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) assisted with this issue.  Since COVID-19, this program has not been reestablished.  The Davidson County Senior Services and the county Department of Transportation have assisted but the need is still great. 

  7. What are some services you offer that may not be widely known by veterans?
    One thing that shocks many is the amount of money generated by the VA which flows into Davidson County.  Last year, our county veterans and their family members received over $111 million in direct financial compensation or health care benefits.  This breaks down to $48 million in compensation and pension benefits, $2.2 million in education benefits, $60.5 million in health care benefits and a half a million in insurance pay outs.   Our office was instrumental in obtaining much of these benefits

  8. What are your office hours?
    We are open from 0800 – 1600 hours.  That’s 8am to 4pm for you civilian types.  We do not close for lunch.

  9. Do veterans need to make an appointment to be seen?
    Appointments are preferred.   For minor items, walk ins are fine.  Just remember, we have a very limited seating capacity. 

  10. What is the mission/goal of veterans services?
    The Davidson County Veterans Services Office (CVSO) is an advocate for veterans and their families in Davidson County.

    It is the mission of the CVSO to provide assistance to veterans and their family member  regarding compensation, pension, medical care, educational assistance, life insurance, death benefits and other veteran related issues.

  11. Please share any other pertinent information.
    We process applications for life time hunting and fishing license for disabled veterans and property tax exclusions for 100% disabled veterans.  We also certify the applications for a host of different veteran related car tags

CVSO Office number: (336)242.2037
CVSO Facebook Page:

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