

From Sen. Jarvis' Senate Desk: September 24, 2021

From Sen. Jarvis' Senate Desk: September 24, 2021

Dear Friends,

It has been a busy week here in the NC Legislature and across the state. The budget is slowly moving along and it is our hope that the conference between the House, Senate and Governor will begin next week. We are entering the final stages of the budget process.

The Senate voted this week to authorize certain electronic notarizations (H776) and the bill has been returned to the House.

I am disappointed to see that on Friday our state's judges have struck down the latest Voter ID law. The case is expected to go to the court of appeals.

Two new laws, Clifford's Law and the Jeff Rieg Law were approved this week. These two bills will help protect visitation rights for both patients and visitors in our state's nursing homes.

The Governor signed a new law last week dedicated to discouraging thieves from stealing catalytic converters. Another bill filed in May in the NC House addressing private inspectors for commercial buildings is gaining traction as well (H865). You can read both bills below.

The NC Senate also honored the life and legacy of Former Senator Marc Basnight. Sen. Basnight served Dare County in the NC Legislature from 1993 until 2011. The NC Senate unveiled his portrait in honor of his many years of service. While I did not have the opportunity to serve along Sen. Basnight, we are all grateful for the many years of service and influence.

In the district I had the opportunity to present a certificate of congratulations for one of my oldest friends and mentors, Bobby Woodlief. Happy 90th Birthday, Bobby!

I also was able to tour the Congdon Yards Facility in High Point, NC. Congdon Yards is working to revolutionize the future of furniture manufacturing in our state and I am thankful for their dedication and hard work in improving the industry.

Lastly, my great family stopped by to visit me this week in the Senate. I was grateful to be able to tour my mother and sister around for their time on the Senate floor.

As always thank you to our numerous constituents who continue to write, call, or email our office. I will never stop fighting for you.

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DC Health Department needs your assistance

DC Health Department needs your assistance

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