Voter resources for college students
Entering college is an unparalleled life moment that is filled with countless items that must be taken care of to make the entire experience work. With all of the details at hand for college students, we would like to remind everyone that is going away for college to make sure that you are registered to vote, that you know where to vote and how to file an absentee ballot.
Below is information provided by the North Carolina State Board of Elections concerning how to register to vote, as well as how to cast an absentee ballot and make sure that your vote is counted.
Where College Students May Register
A college or university student may register and vote in the county where they go to school if the student is physically present in the school community and does not intend to return to his or her former home after graduation. However, if the student intends to return to their former home after graduation, then they should remain registered in their hometown.
If the student does not know where he or she will go after college, they may register in their college community or remain registered at home. If a student registers at his or her school address, that registration cancels any previous registration.
Here are a few websites that will provide useful and accurate information for college students and voting in NC:
Qualifications to Register to Vote
To register to vote in North Carolina, you must:
Be a U.S. citizen.
Citizenship documents are NOT required to register.
Live in the county where you are registering, and have resided there for at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
The federal Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) allows certain voters who are active duty military or their families as well as U.S. citizens abroad special rights that provide an expedited means to register and vote by mail-in ballot. Find more information on Military and Overseas Voting.
Be at least 18 years old, or will be by the date of the general election.
17-year-olds may vote in a primary election if they will be 18 at the time of the general election.
Not be serving a felony sentence, including any period of probation, post-release supervision, or parole.
Note: An inactive voter is still a registered voter. A voter who is inactive status will be asked to confirm their addresses when they appear to vote. No special document is required.
Information Required to Register
The voter registration form requires the following information:
Checking the boxes confirming that you are a U.S. citizen and that you meet the age requirements.
Your legal first name, last name, and suffix (if applicable).
Your date of birth.
One of the following:
An identification number: Your N.C. driver’s license number/NCDMV ID number or, if you do not have one, the last four digits of your Social Security number.
If you do not have one of those forms of identification, you must check the box confirming that you do not have one.
Residential address, including street number, name, and type, and unit number (if applicable), city, zip code, and county.
Mailing address, if you do not receive mail at your residential address.
Your signature and date attesting to your qualifications to vote.
Additional optional information about you can also be provided on your voter registration form, including your gender, ethnicity, and race. You may also choose to affiliate with a political party recognized in North Carolina. And your contact information can be listed so that your county board of elections can contact you with any questions.
Registering as a College Student
Find out where to register and how to register during the early voting period at Registering as a College Student.
Registering as a Person in the NC Criminal Justice System
Find information at Registering as a Person in the NC Criminal System.
Preregistering to Vote When You are 16 or 17 Years Old
Eligible voters who preregister will automatically be registered to vote when they turn 18 years old. Find more information at Preregistering to Vote When You are 16 or 17 Years Old.
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Absentee-By-Mail Voting
Any North Carolina registered voter may request, receive, and vote a mail-in absentee ballot where absentee voting is permitted. For an overview of North Carolina’s 2024 general election, visit Upcoming Election.
Registered voters in North Carolina must request an absentee ballot with an official NC Absentee Ballot Request Form. There are two ways to access and submit the form:
“Option 1 – Request an Absentee Ballot” at the NC Absentee Ballot Portal.
On paper:
2024 NC Absentee Ballot Request Form in Spanish (PDF).
After completing, submit the form to your county board of elections or in person or by mail via the US Postal Service, DHL, FedEx, or UPS.
Track your absentee-by-mail ballot through the mail: Once you have requested your absentee ballot, you can track its status from printed to accepted by signing up online for status notifications through BallotTrax. BallotTrax will be available 30 days prior to the election.