

Mary Poppins castmates Q and A about the show

Mary Poppins castmates Q and A about the show

Lexington Youth Theatre is bringing the magical, musical production of Mary Poppins to the stage this weekend. Showtimes are Friday, March 24, at 7PM, Saturday, March 25, at 7PM, and Sunday, March 26, at 2 PM. The show will be at the Edward C. Smith Civic Center at 217 Main Street in Uptown Lexington.

Davidson Local intern Sabita Jagnarain submitted questions to a few cast members. Answers below are provided by Katy Smith who is the featured lead as Mary Poppins, Brayden Daugherty as George Banks and Abigail Wilson as Winifred Banks.

1. When did you start liking the performing arts?

I started liking theater when I was 8, when I did my very first show, Yes Virginia There’s A Santa Claus. I was Virginia! -Smith

I started acting when I was about nine or ten, but I only really started to fall in love with the arts when I was about fifteen. It was the only thing that seemed right to me, and I’ve tried quite a few things, but acting was the only one that called out to me. -Daugherty

Since I was 4 when I started playing the violin! -Wilson

2. What scene or part do you like the most in the musical?

My favorite scene in Mary Poppins is Step In Time, there’s so much fun and energy! -Smith

I have two favorite parts. One of them is where our Mrs. Banks (Abigail Wilson) sings her reprise of Being Mrs. Banks. She just has so much emotion, and it comes at the perfect moment in the show. She perfectly harnesses all of the emotions and meanings behind the songs. My second favorite part is the scene where George Banks starts to soften up, and his children give him their money because they know that he’s having hard times. Both actors that play the children are perfectly cast, and they capture the mood of that scene and dialogue so well! -Daugherty

I love the part in my song where I sing about helping my husband become a better man. I think it’s important to realize that in every relationship, there are rough patches, but, if you truly care about someone…you’ll “fight” for them to grow. -Wilson

3. What is one tip you would like to give to new theater kids?

When things go wrong on stage, never panic, just keep going. Remember that the audience is rooting for you! - Smith

My advice to any aspiring actors or actresses would be to just step out of your comfort zone and do it. Art doesn’t come from comfortable, it’s only attainable by first doing something that is uncomfortable. It is one of the best experiences that I’ve had, and I would love to share it with anyone thinking about it! - Daugherty

Be confident in everything, even a mistake! It goes a long way! -Wilson

*Lexington Youth Theatre (LYT) has been presenting approximately two full-stage musicals in Davidson County since 1985. LYT is a  non-profit community organization dedicated to the presentation of live theater performances by and for Davidson County’s young people, the group is unique in choosing a cast made up entirely of students from kindergarten through 12th grade for each of its performances.  Not only the cast, but also backstage crews and technical assistants are school age children.

Direction is by Bobby Bodford, choreography by Monica Walser and music direction by Chris Kiser.

Tickets are $15 at the door prior to the show or online, and reserved seating is also available on the website. Please visit for tickets and more information.

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