

New DCGOP Leadership Conducts First Meeting

New DCGOP Leadership Conducts First Meeting

On April 7th, 2021, Christopher Jessup and his newly elected team conducted their first DCGOP Monthly Meeting. The featured guest was North Carolina State GOP Chairman Michael Whatley. He spoke on the importance of maintaining momentum going into the 2022 election season and the initiatives the NCGOP has to place to have a strong showing. The DCGOP also recognized former Vice-Chairman Terry Price and Evon Lambeth. Additionally, Chairman Christopher Jessup discussed his vision for the future of the DCGOP and Vice-Chairman John Spillman detailed some of the media outreach plans he has in place to grow the online presence of the DCGOP. Overall, an excellent meeting. The group wishes to thank everyone who came out and we hope to see you all on May 4th, 2021 at our next meeting featuring Congressman Mark Walker.

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The DC GOP team lead by newly elected Chairman Christopher Jessup

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