

Caught Doing Good: Local ministries open doors during extreme cold

Caught Doing Good: Local ministries open doors during extreme cold

Caught Doing Good is an idea adapted from teachers. The concept involves sharing a quick note about local folks caught in the act – of doing great! It could be something BIG – or small – but it will always be something good.

As temperatures dip to dangerous levels, several Davidson County agencies and churches are partnering to provide emergency housing for those without homes or power. 

High Rock Church of Lexington frequently opens its youth building to serve as a warm shelter during extreme weather. They opened the doors at 9 p.m. Friday night, December 23 and Saturday night, December 24. “On Saturday and Sunday mornings, we will close the building at 9 a.m. We have cots, blankets, couches and clothing.” With the help of the community, they were able to provide microwavable meals. 

When they agreed to open, they only had one volunteer. "It's Christmas, so many of our regular volunteers had family plans." The community has graciously offered support. 

Note: Please be aware of scams related to this project. 

"We have had several ask about giving financially towards sheltering people this weekend at High Rock Church of Lexington and wanted to let everyone know there is only one place to donate towards that and it's in person or online. If you donate online, please select outreach to donate to {this mission}. If you see anyone else saying they are collecting funds for our church or this event this weekend, it is a scam. We have one website and no GoFundMe."

Others helped this Christmas Season including First Reformed UCC’s Saturday Lunch team:

“Saturday Lunch Ministry fell on Christmas Eve day. Thanks to the servant heart of John Maze, our fellowship hall became a warm place for neighbors to spend the day until the generous High Rock Church opened their doors. In the meantime a group from Central Baptist Church brought a van load of items to help with staying warm.” First Reformed UCC mentioned the project in posts on social media.

“Blankets, insulated bags, socks, hats, clothes, hand warmers, etc. To top it off, the CEO of J Smith Young YMCA Jen Fuller Allen, and all around community advocate Tina Royal lent their time by driving the YMCA bus from First reformed to pick up others who needed night shelter at High Rock church. So many hands and hearts went into today.

Was it planned that way? Absolutley not, but the Holy Spirit was falling fresh on this Christmas Eve.

Beloved Community, do not be deceived by those who say the Church is in Decline.

Collaboration, working together, and building bridges is the way forward for the Church.

Tina Royal summed it up beautifully, “When we all use what we got, and come together, ain't no stopping us!!

Indeed this is an O Holy Night. Can you feel it?”

Yes, we can!- Happy Holidays

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