Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center completes its 1,000th robotic-assisted surgical procedure
The TMC medical team celebrated their accomplishment with cake. {Contributed photo}
The Novant Health Thomasville Medical Center recently completed its 1,000 robotic-assisted surgical procedure. This is a significant milestone for the community hospital that originally opened in 1930 to care for patients in Davidson County. Over the years, the hospital has grown with the community, expanding from a modest 31-bed facility when it opened, to 146 beds today. Along the way, it also brought new services to the area, including orthopedics, cancer care and the latest in surgical services – which included adding a robot to the operating room in 2015.
The “robot” is better known as the da Vinci Surgical System. The da Vinci allows doctors to perform complex and minimally invasive procedures with greater precision than traditional surgery. It can also be used to assist with a wide range of different procedures, including urologic, gynecologic, thoracic, cardiac, bariatric and head and neck surgeries.
Dr. Alex Caillat is pictured beside the da Vinci Surgical System. {Contributed photo}