Now More Than Ever: United Way needs your support —



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Now More Than Ever: United Way needs your support

Now More Than Ever: United Way needs your support

Last year UWDC distributed over $926,000 to 25 local nonprofits in Davidson County.  Our goal this year is $1.5 million.

Below you will see a breakdown of how we raise the money.

  • Employee Workplace Campaigns – Essentially UWDC goes to the organization and does a short presentation (usually tacked on to an already scheduled staff meeting) to help educate our community about the work we do. We have paper pledge forms and online pledge forms that give folks the opportunity to give back to our community. Folks can choose to give via cash/check/credit card or through payroll deduction. If you scroll down you will see some of the campaign incentives we offer for those who give.

  • United Way Campaign Sponsors – Companies who join our sponsorship program are lifted up throughout the year at all of our campaign meetings and special events. *See attached flyer for more information.

  • 365 Small Business Circle – This program is geared toward companies who employ 25 or fewer. For a dollar a day or $365 a year, a business can join this program. We lift them up on our social media, website, our e-newsletters and special events. It’s really a win/win. More business exposure for our small businesses and revenue for the UWDC. *See attached flyer for more information.

  • iPLEDGE supporter This program was designed to target contractors, realtors, attorneys, and direct sales professionals. Hedrick Creative Building became and iPLEDGE supporter last year. Jason elected to give a flat $500 donation. We highlight his business on our social media, invite him to special events and created a video that lifted up his company.

  • Special events – We currently have 3 special events. Our Team Trivia Night, hosted by NEG(PPG) & Bull City Ciderworks in June, our Owens & Minor Golf Tournament held in September and our Thanksgiving Day Early Bird 5K hosted by Davidson County Government on Thanksgiving Day.


The UWDC utilizes volunteers throughout the year.  Below are some of the ways we give back.


  • Spring Service Project – We haven’t made final plans on a project for the spring of 2022 just yet. However, this past spring we organized a service project with a local family. The Shore family has a child with special needs. He is confined to a wheelchair. He had an existing ramp; however, it needed a little TLC. UWDC coordinated a volunteer project with over 20 volunteers. We spent half a day at this families home painting his ramp.
    LG Productions created a video highlighting this wonderful event – Click here to watch

  • Week of CaringThe UWDC hosts the largest community wide volunteer effort in the county. Each year we solicit all nonprofits for work projects such as landscaping, painting, cleaning, etc. We also ask for collection projects such as food drives, school supply drives and personal hygiene drives. After we receive the request we compile a list. We send the list of available projects to companies, businesses, churches, etc. to try and match them with a project. During the month of September those companies/individuals schedule a time to complete their project. It is a wonderful event.

  • Fund Distribution Volunteers - Volunteers of all backgrounds take part in the fund distribution process and work hard to ensure that the donated dollars are spent where they are needed most, and in the most efficient way possible, to impact our community goals. Each year, a group of around 100 community volunteers participate in this process to review applications from nonprofits requesting funds from United Way of Davidson County. These volunteers make decisions on how to allocate funding to a variety of local agencies doing life-changing work. Our community relies on these volunteers to act as stewards for funds by the UWDC. *See attached flyer for more information.

Campaign happenings:

  • Campaign Incentives:

$10,000 CASH GIVEAWAY:  Jerry Hunt Supercenter in Lexington North Carolina has graciously donated $10,000 cash for the United Way to give away.  United Way will draw 10 finalists from people who pledge to give their “Caring Share” to our Community Investment fund during the campaign. On December 14, 2021, the giveaway will be held at Jerry Hunt Supercenter. One lucky person will win the cash and the other 9 finalists will walk away with a prize!

Random Act of Kindness Drawing:  United Way of Davidson County will draw five Random Act of Kindness Winners throughout the 2021 Campaign. Each winner will receive a Visa Gift Card in the amount of $100. One winner will be drawn at United Way’s first report meeting. One winner will be drawn at United Way’s second report meeting. Three winners will be drawn at United Way’s third report meeting. Individuals will remain in the drawing unless their name is drawn. Random Act of Kindness eligibility requires Individual to make a minimum pledge of $100 to United Way of Davidson County’s Community Investment Fund and to complete an entry form. 

  • DIME CHALLENGE – One water bottle full of dimes = $100. This is an easy way to raise a little extra money for our community

  • Campaign T shirts – If you are interested in purchasing a tshirt, please contact! Shirts are $12.00 for Sizes S-XL, $15.00 for 2XL, 3XL      

  • BAG LUNCH FOR UNITED WAY – In lieu of eating out one day, employees can bring their lunch and donate what they would have spent to the United Way.

                  Please email if you would like some United Way branded paper bags.  

I know this is A LOT of information.  Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a time to meet and talk about how you can get involved in the United Way!!

I hope you have a GREAT day!

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