

Op-Ed: Davidson County Democratic Women reasons to vote Blue in 2022

Op-Ed: Davidson County Democratic Women reasons to vote Blue in 2022

What is on the ballot for November 8? Several very important issues. One of the most glaring is Women's Rights. Prior to June 24 women had the right to make decisions about reproductive health as a result of the Roe v. Wade decision of the United States Supreme Court. A new court of six Republicans and three Democrats overturned that ruling. These six Republicans had all been appointed to the Court by a twice impeached President who did not win the popular vote. They were there by way of the Electoral College which decides who wins an election. Three (3) judges were installed by distorting Senate rules. While recent polls show that the majority of people approve of the Roe v Wade decision of a woman’s right to privacy, this was not reflected in the majority decision (6 to 3) making abortion illegal in most states.

Abortion is health care. Under new state laws, natural abortions, or miscarriages, can be investigated as illegal abortions. Women with pre-existing conditions such as heart disease may be endangering their lives if abortion is illegal for them. Already there have been cases where care was denied to women because hospitals and doctors feared being charged with performing illegal abortions. In Ohio, a ten-year-old rape victim was denied access to an abortion. A child of that age is in grave physical danger if she is forced to continue a pregnancy. Now, it seems like the Supreme Court may also pass judgement against certain types of birth control. How much authority should the state have over the reproductive choices of both men and women? When will the Supreme Court determine what health care is illegal for men? Doesn't sound like we were all created equal. If ALL people in this country are supposed to be equal, why are there punitive laws that only threaten the lives of women?

In the “horse and buggy" days, the all-white, male signers of the Constitution produced the document which is our guide today with “cars, refrigerators, and telephones.” Over the years we have amended the Constitution to reflect our changing needs, rights, and lifestyles. Most of us would agree that women have rights, too. The Constitution is designed to protect the rights of ALL people. That includes women, children, people of color, LBGTQ+ persons, and other marginalized groups. SCOTUS is changing settled law and precedent for us, the citizens of this country, and were not elected by us. The Supreme Court is compromised.

If you are looking for candidates who will represent, respect, and fight for the rights of women, we suggest that you look for someone to elect, not ones that are appointed. Those 6 justices, all of whom said that they would not overturn Roe v. Wade during their confirmation hearings, are the ones who just took away abortion as health care and the right for women to make decisions about their own bodies. A government that will prevent you the right to an abortion is also a government that will force you to have one as well. What human rights are next?

Democratic Women of Davidson County

Democratic Women meet the 2nd Tuesday of the month. For further information contact

#Women’s Health #SCOTUS #Roe v. Wade #Dobbs

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