

Opinion: Local GOP Chair says "This is not the America we know."

Opinion: Local GOP Chair says "This is not the America we know."

The nation and the world are waiting for American leadership and the Democratic Party is not providing it. President Joe Biden’s administration and the Democratic Congress has been nothing more than a series of blunders, broken promises, and ineptitudes. Nothing demonstrated this more clearly than when the bodies of thirteen American soldiers were returned home after the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

This is not the America we know. This is not the America that our parents and grandparents worked hard to preserve for us. This is not the America that has been a beacon of hope for the world for generations. 

Many Americans are angry now, and rightly so. But instead of yelling at the television or simply talking about the way things should be, why not be part of accomplishing something worthwhile? The Davidson County Republican Party is growing in both strength and numbers. So many want to be part of the solution and they know that the Republican Party is the party of solutions. They want to ensure that the precious gift of freedom continues to be passed down to future generations. 

Stay focused because it’s not over! 2022 midterm elections are just around the corner. Let’s keep winning! Our nation, state, and county depend on it. 

Christopher Jessup 


Davidson County Republican Party 

The Davidson County Republican Party meets the first Thursday of each month at Yarborough’s Restaurant in Lexington at 7pm. All registered Republicans are welcome!

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