

Political Opinion: From Sen. Jarvis' Desk - December 30, 2022

Political Opinion: From Sen. Jarvis' Desk - December 30, 2022

Dear Friends,

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas spent with family and friends. As 2022 comes to an end, I would like to reflect on this year in District 29 as we approach a new chapter of Senate District 30 in 2023.

This year I was honored to be able to represent District 29 in the NC Senate. I was able to serve on the committees concerning Agriculture, Healthcare, Healthcare Appropriations, State and Local Government, Education oversight, and Oversight of Capital Improvements. In these meetings, my fellow legislators and I were able to discuss focused topics for the improvement of legislation in favor of the citizens of North Carolina.

Also in session, I was able to introduce several bills such as the Economic Growth Act, ATV and UTV Titling/Mod. UTV Revisions, Lexington UDO/Jail Com. Changes, The Farm Act and the Airport Economic Development Act. All of these bills, and others, were passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate and were enrolled as law in North Carolina. I was thrilled to make improvements from making ATVs and UTVs street legal in North Carolina to bettering the economic status of our state and communities through agriculture and everything in between.

Several Joint Legislative Committee meetings took place this year to discuss everything from government appointments to hurricane damages in North Carolina. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary, Kody Kinsley, was approved by one of these committees, ensuring fair and worthy leadership for the citizens of North Carolina. The destruction and rebuilding of North Carolina is still a major topic of discussion years after the storms, and we met to discuss how government agencies plan to still help families rebuild after all this time.

In the district, I was able to attend countless events and meet so many of you. From festivals and fairs to grand openings and drop-in visits, it is wonderful to meet you all and hear your personal concerns for the district and for North Carolina. I look forward to seeing you all again and more in the new year, looking forward to the Watermelon Festival, the Lexington Barbecue Festival, all sorts of holiday parades and celebrations throughout the year, and many openings of new local businesses.

I was incredibly honored this year by the people of Davidson and Davie Counties to be chosen as the Republican candidate in the Primary election this past spring, and elected to my second term in the NC Senate in the General elections this past November. It has been the greatest honor to serve District 29 over the past 2 years, and I was honored once again to be entrusted with your representation in Senate District 30.

I am so humbled and grateful for constant support of this community over the past year, through the election season, and in the future. Being able to serve in the North Carolina Senate is a great responsibility that I have always taken seriously, to lead with truth and faith. In this new year of District 30, I will continue to work for the people of this community every day, listening to you and taking you into consideration in all decisions. As 2022 comes to and end, thank you for the opportunity to serve you all this year, and in 2023. I promise to represent the needs of District 30 in the new year and to continuously work toward the betterment of the great state of North Carolina.

Happy New Year, I wish you all well in 2023!

If you have concerns, or questions, you can reply to this newsletter, email, or call my office at (919) 733-5743. I also take time each day to personally call citizens in our district to listen to their concerns. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you!

Senator Steve Jarvis,
NC District 29

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