

Political Opinion: From Sen. Jarvis' Desk - February 3, 2023

Political Opinion: From Sen. Jarvis' Desk - February 3, 2023

Dear Friends,

The month of January has flown by! February is bringing so many opportunities to create change in a positive way in the General Assembly. I am eager to continue the work that we are beginning with the help of my colleagues in the Senate. Here are some highlights of what we are accomplishing so far, along with some interesting happenings around the state.

I am proud to support Senate Bill 49, titled the Parents' Bill of Rights, which has been receiving much attention in the news this week. Fellow Senators Galey, Lee and Barnes introduced this bill, and I remain committed to my role as co-sponsor by promoting its message. The primary sponsors, co-sponsors and other members of the Senate demonstrated the strength of our support in a Press Conference outlining SB 49. As a member of the Health Care Committee, I participated in the discussions about the bill's value to parents and families.

Use these links below to stay updated on the bills introduced during this session.

Senate Bills Search.

House Bills Search

Other important legislative events include the introduction of Senate Bill 58, which I co-sponsored with Senator Tom McInnis. This bill increases the penalty for property crimes against electronic power grids, including facilities that transmit telephone, broadband or cable communications. The punishment for these type of crimes will be considered a Class C felony should this bill pass into law. Given our recent attack in Thomasville, I fully endorse holding criminals responsible for these types of actions.

The NC Supreme Court held its first oral arguments for upcoming hearings of 2023. One case in the spotlight is regarding whether convicted felons will remain eligible to vote, which could impact up to 56,000 felons and parolees. However, the court has not announced whether it will re-hear two high profile election cases concerning voter identification laws and the state's redrawn voter redistricting maps. The court has one month from January 20th to determine its decision on the re-hearings.

The city of Lexington will receive 5 million dollars from Davidson County in exchange for additional wastewater capacity. This has been a long-term bipartisan project that I collaborated on with fellow Representative lawmakers. This infrastructure project will improve the growth prospects of both areas and will lead to expanded economic development. I am grateful for the help from Davidson County Commissioners, the Mayor of Lexington and County Sewer Commissioners on this exciting development!

I am excited about the construction of Nucor Corporation which is underway outside of Lexington. Nucor is building a rebar micro mill, and it is the third one in the country, with others located in Missouri and Florida. The arrival of Nucor will bring 200 permanent jobs to the area.

Davidson County schools will be adding seven School Resource Officers (SRO) with help from county funds and state grants. These SRO's will be covering 18 elementary schools, raising the total number of SRO's in the county school system to 21 officers. Davidson County Commissioner Chris Elliott said, "Anything we can do to keep our kids safe we need to do."

Davie Senior Services hosted a presentation and 30 year celebration with a representative from NC Senior Tarheel Legislation in Mocksville this week. Funding allocations were discussed which identified top priorities that could benefit the senior population in the local area. Due to previously scheduled committee meetings in the Senate that needed my input, I was disappointed that I was unable to attend the NCSTL's presentation. I wholeheartedly will continue to support Senior's needs as I am passionate about serving the special members of this population. I look forward to seeing how I can help!

There is a special event coming up in Davie County that is sure to be memorable. The Recreation and Parks Department is hosting a Daddy Daughter Dance on Saturday, March 4th. The theme will be Enchanted Forest and a photo booth will be on site for more excitement. Tickets are likely to go fast and ticket sales end on February 21st.

If you have concerns, or questions, you can reply to this newsletter, email, or call my office at (919) 733-5743. 

I also take time each day to personally call citizens in our district to listen to their concerns. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you!

Senator Steve Jarvis,
NC District 30

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