

Political Opinion: From Sen. Jarvis' Desk - March 18, 2022

Political Opinion: From Sen. Jarvis' Desk - March 18, 2022

Dear Friends,

The session might be over, but we are still hard at work!

Gas prices have continued to rise, prompting a push for a temporary suspension of the gas tax. In states like Florida, lawmakers have already succeeded. Legislators in our state are unable to consider the issue because they are not in session

In Lexington this week, the Police Department hosted the Governor's Highway Safety Program, which I was honored to attend. It's always a pleasure to spend time with the men and women who work in local law enforcement.

The joint oversight committee on the Department of Health and Human Services heard a presentation on a January staffing crisis in a nursing home in Thomasville. A winter storm prevented many employees from coming to work, and three staff members were left to care for 98 residents. I am working hard to ensure that something like this never happens again in our state and that our most vulnerable populations continue to be cared for.

The Davidson-Davie Community College men's basketball team has reached the NJCAA Final Four. We are so proud of their hard work and hope they bring home a win!

In other news, John Kasich, former governor of Ohio and presidential candidate, pushed North Carolina leaders to expand Medicaid. He cited moral reasons for providing healthcare for uninsured and underinsured people in the state.

After a hit the economy took during the pandemic, state economists have announced many key economic indicators are returning to normal levels. Unemployment has decreased significantly and the state's GDP has also increased from COVID-19 levels.

The Eastern Band of Cherokee has used money from an EPA grant to buy the state's first electric school bus. This is exciting news and we hope we'll soon be able to have some in District 29!

On Thursday, leaders in the N.C. Senate have also asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the redistricting case.

If you have concerns, or questions, you can reply to this newsletter, email, or call my office at (919) 733-5743.

I also take time each day to personally call citizens in our district to listen to their concerns. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you!

Senator Steve Jarvis,
NC District 29

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