

Political Opinion: Davidson County Republican Party is growing stronger

Political Opinion: Davidson County Republican Party is growing stronger

As part of our hyperlocal coverage, Davidson Local invites ALL registered political parties to submit a monthly opinion column by a designee.

It has been my privilege to serve as the chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party since the end of March. Our party is growing stronger each day in both Davidson County and North Carolina and the opportunities abound for Republicans to continue to make significant electoral gains. In addition, the positive and solutions-based platform of our party is being increasingly embraced in communities where it has previously been unwelcome. 

So many Americans, here at home and across the nation, are frustrated at the direction that our country is currently taking. Whether it’s the crisis at the border, economic concerns, or surging fuel prices, Americans have already experienced the negative impact of Democratic policies. It would seem that the Democratic Party is committed to taking care of anyone but Americans. 

Republicans, though, continue to hold fast to the words of the nation’s first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, who stated that the United States was the “last best hope of earth.” Others have referred to this great land as the “shining city upon the hill.” We believe that America’s best days are ahead and are not ashamed to say it. We believe that the Republican Party is the best vehicle to ensure that each American can pursue their own dreams and desires. 

So I encourage you to believe in the greatness of America and to join us in the fight to preserve freedom for future generations. America, North Carolina, and Davidson County are worth it! 

Christopher Jessup 


Davidson County Republican Party 


*The Davidson County Republican Party meets the first Thursday of every month at Yarborough's Restaurant in Lexington. Dinner (optional) at 6pm, meeting begins at 7pm. All registered Republicans are welcome.*

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