

Lexington City Schools student cell phone policy

Lexington City Schools student cell phone policy

 Lexington City Schools issued a policy to all students regarding the use of personal cell phones while on school property. The following information should be used as a guideline for both students and parents to navigate cell phone use for the 2024-2025 school year.

Students are permitted to possess cell phones and other similar wireless communication devices on school property as long as such devices are not “in use” (turned on, beeping, sounding, etc.) displayed, or visible during the instructional day (from the time students enter the building in the morning until the time they leave school).

The school is not responsible for the loss or theft of any such items and advises that these items should be secured by students during the school day. 

 Classroom use of these devices is strictly prohibited. Parents should not call or text students during the day. Parents should call the front office to leave messages in the event of an emergency.

The penalty for the violation of this policy is as follows:

  • First offense – the student will be warned and the device is to be turned off and put away immediately. 

  • Second offense – the item will be confiscated and a parent can pick up the device at the end of the school day. 

  • Third offense – the item will be confiscated and a parent can pick up the device at the end of the semester.

If you have any questions concerning these rules for cell phone use, please contact a Lexington City School administrator.

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