

Spin4Life takes the Polar Plunge to help cancer patients

Spin4Life takes the Polar Plunge to help cancer patients

Mark and Beth Snyder (center) present checks to Ray Howell IV and Karen Park. Behind them are (left to right) Gail Ward, Ashley Walton and Jody Brown. {Contributed photo}

LEXINGTON, NC - Spin4Life is a fundraiser that has been taking place in Davidson County for 14 years. Started by Mark and Beth Snyder after Mark fought cancer and wanted to help other cancer patients, it is an annual spin-a-thon that lasts for five hours in which teams of participants keep someone on their spin bike for the entire time. All the money raised by participants goes to cancer patients. This year was unlike any other though due to Covid-19. For safety reasons the event has been moved to September, but cancer does not stop just because of Covid-19. For this reason, the Spin4Life planning team felt the need to still do something in March. 

They had a “Polar Plunge” fundraiser in which four of their instructors (Mark Snyder, Sandi Bishop, Ashley Walton, and Gail Ward) taught a virtual spin class and had donors "vote" or make donations for which instructor they wanted to see jump into a chilly pool. Thanks to some generous donors all four instructors ended up taking the “Polar Plunge” and the team raised over $2,000 for local cancer patients and their families. Ashley Walton, one of the instructors, said "It is such a privilege to be able to be a part of these amazing nonprofit organizations and helping people locally going through their battle with cancer. The joy that we receive from helping them is exponentially more." 

Spin4Life helps two nonprofits in particular: Cancer Services of Davidson County provides emotional, physical, and financial support to cancer patients in Davidson County, and Kisses 4Kate supports children with cancer and their families. Ray Howell, executive director of Cancer Services of Davidson County said, “We really appreciate Mark, Beth, and the Spin4Life crew getting creative and raising money to help cancer patients here in Davidson County. We couldn't do what we do without their help.” Karen Park, director of events for Kisses 4Kate said, “Kisses 4Kate cannot thank Mark and Beth Snyder and the entire Spin4Life crew enough for their efforts in putting on this March's Polar Plunge. When we heard our Annual Spin4Life Event was postponed this year due to COVID, the first thing that came to mind was "How are we going to support our families in need?” It never fails how creative and talented this team can be. A special thanks to Sandi and Terry Bishop for hosting our event, and the generosity of our local community. With these funds we will continue to help families of children with cancer." 

Spin 4 Life plans to have their traditional event in September. 

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