Thomasville School Board dispatches awards and roofing contract
Thomasville City Schools opened its annual meeting in person and on Zoom with a recognition of National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The team will share pinwheels and wear blue throughout the rest of April in observance.
The board accepted a proclamation followed by a presentation of facts.
“Every facet of the lives of children and families is being disrupted during this historic public health and economic crisis. Unfortunately, both their short-term and long-term consequences and
challenges are not being fully considered or discussed,” noted the slides presented by the board. “This crisis is severe and will last for months or even years to come. Moreover, the resulting physical and mental health consequences, impact on education and child development, and economic implications of this calamity will last well beyond the coronavirus itself.”
Additional business included:
Thomasville City School Board Meeting presentation via Zoom.
Bulldog Nation Award Winners presented by Dr. Kelli Dalton to middle school media coordinator Crystal White and Shonda Foster of Thomasville High School.
Local winners of the 2021 Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratorical Contest: Shakira Little, Claudia Davis, Myriam Sosa. The board offered thanks for scholarship funds provided by the Davidson County NAACP.
An update was shared by school system staff in a presentation narrated by Calvin Freeman.
The board voted to approve the 2021-2022 Incentives for Teaching in Bulldog Nation in a presentation by Dr. Cate Gentry. It was noted that while incentives target new recruits, there would be consideration for incentives for future staff.
The board approved a contract for roof repair for Thomasville High School. The presentation by Eric Johannesen included photos of damage and several bids. The recommendation was to consider the local proposal from GMG Inc. The company presented a bid of $243,479.
According to staff, it was a low bid.
Notes presented said that GMG is willing to perform the scope of work bid on 3-03-2021 in its entirety before July 1st in an effort to save the school system a 4% material increase. According to the proposal, “GMG is willing to forgo payment of $121,739.50 (50%) until after July 1st making two projects of $121,739.50 for a combined total equal to the bid summation of $243,479.”
Director of Construction/Maintenance Eric Johannesen included photos of damage and several bids for the Thomasville High School roofing repair.
The board discussed Tuition for Discretionary Admissions, viewed videos from Digital Teaching & Learning / Accountability and approved of the 2020-2021 Summer Program Plan. The chair noted that this is a state requirement and the school system would review and modify where it’s applicable.
The meeting went into closed session to discuss items related to:
*Closed Session - Attorney/Client privilege pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3) and/or to discuss personnel according to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(6)
*Approve Closed Session Briefing Minutes from February 24, 2021
*Approve Closed Session Meeting Minutes from March 2, 2021
*Personnel Report for April 13, 2021
*Transportation Recommendations - Dr. Cate Gentry
*Approve Personnel Report for April 13, 2021