

Agencies partner to host event for students with disabilities

Agencies partner to host event for students with disabilities

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Lexington, NC –Davidson County, Thomasville, and Lexington City Schools have partnered with The Arc of Davidson County to hold the 11th Community Resource Fair for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Students, families, and educators seeking information regarding community resources, employment, and recreation are invited to attend this free event. Davidson-Davie Community College (297 DCC Rd., Thomasville) will host the event, scheduled for Thursday, March 20th from 6:30-8pm.

“Families will be able to speak with 34 community providers, including Employment and Independence for People with Disabilities, the Autism Society, and Partners,” said Teresa McKeon, Executive Director of The Arc of Davidson County. Added McKeon, “Planning for the future is a challenge for every student-but more so for those with a disability. The intention of the Fair is to assist students and families with the understanding that the earlier the planning begins, the more successful the transition to life after school will be.” A raffle for a Kindle tablet and Meta Ray Bans will be offered to attendees.

The complete list of participating providers: ABC of NC, AmeriHealth Caritas of NC, Bayada Habilitation, Center for Prevention Services, Circle Therapy, Connecting Thru Housing, Davidson Medical Ministries-DC Connect, DDCC Admissions, DDCC College and Career Readiness, DDCC Office of Student Belonging and Well-Being, DDCC Occupational Network, Davidson County Civitan Club,

Davidson County Public Library, Davidson County Schools, Family Services of Davidson County, Family Support Network of Greater Forsyth, Goodwill Industries, Kintegra Family Medicine, Lexington
City Schools, NCDHHS Medicaid Broker, NC Families United, RHA, and;H Youth and Adult Services, Solutions for Independence, Special Olympics, The Arc of Davidson County, Inc., The Workshop of Davidson, Thomasville City Schools, Thomasville Parks and Recreation, UNC-G Center for Youth, Family and Community and United Healthcare.

For more information, contact The Arc (336.248.2842).

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